Harvestmoon (& Co.)



10 months, 4 days ago



You were born inside your head
And that is where you’ll be when you are dead
You are just a boy you are no man and
Nobody you know will understand

Things to Do by Alex G


. they/them . ThunderKin sept . 19 moons .

A fluffy brown tabby with orange and cream accents and warm green eyes. Wheat is woven into their fur.



POSITIVE TRAITS: Mellow, adventurous, empathetic.

NEUTRAL TRAITS: Unpredictable, indecisive, yearning.

NEGATIVE TRAITS: Somewhat distant, internalizes emotions, compulsive.


A cat that is seemingly cool and collected on the outside
 most of the time. Harvestmoon’s brain is constantly buzzing with their own thoughts and the thoughts of others. They feel strange identifying with one singular persona, wanting to represent the rest of those inside their head; however, they struggle to communicate internally and they have been masking their entire life.


CW: Vague descriptions of traumatic childhood/neglect.

  • Born to two ThunderKin septs that have generational trauma and no idea how to handle it
  • Not the best parents, but no ill intention
  • Harvest is autistic; parents didn’t think it mattered and failed to accommodate their needs
  • They responded to this by masking as much as they could, tried to act as “normal” as possible
  • In their late kithood, Harvest began seeing a tom in their dreams named Springsprout. Believed that he was from StarKin, like a guardian angel, but was an alter
  • Through apprenticeship, Paw Harvest became closer to Springsprout and slowly discovered other system members
  • Discovered they were nonbinary through other cats in camp
  • Became friends with Paw Bright :-)
  • Apprenticeship became difficult as they became more and more accustomed to what was going on inside their head; their memory and dissociation got worse after discovery
  • As a young sept, they find it harder to mask as they did when they were a kit. They desperately want to work with their system to make their life easier, but there are communication barriers
  • They want to become more open about their system as it becomes harder to mask, but are hesitant because they worry about judgement or cats not believing them