
Friday Frenzy

"I'm your biggest fan!"
Frenzy is an alternate version of Davey Luskey, (Raccoon)

Meet this wonderful version of Davey, because this re-telling reveals a Friday the 13th mega-fan—gasp how original!
Can you believe it? Davey clings onto his oh-so-impressive collection of Friday the 13th merch, because, you know, some people never truly grow up. It's almost cute how this was his favorite movie not only as a kid but also as a teenager and an adult. Talk about having a mature taste!
Oh, the drama! Apparently, this cinematic slasher flick became Davey's ultimate coping mechanism. How touching! Nothing quite like witnessing a bunch of dimwits being creatively hacked to death by a madman to make your day better, right?
And of course, let's not forget his "hero," the esteemed Jason Voorhees. Give the man a round of applause for his impeccable taste in role models!
But oh, the snobbery is strong with this one. Davey scoffs at Michael Myers, rolls his eyes at Ghostface, can't be bothered with Chucky, and let's not even get started on his opinion of Freddy Krueger.
But wait, there's more! Every single night, he falls asleep on his oh-so-comfy couch watching the same old Friday movies (except the one he deems unworthy). Sweet dreams, Davey, sweet dreams!
Now, get ready for a plot twist—because apparently, Davey's favorite movie becomes his worst nightmare! What are the odds? The legend of Jason Voorhees comes to life, and surprise, surprise, he's out for blood!
Then, in a stunning display of intelligence, Davey goes camping near Crystal Lake. As if that's not cliché enough, he spots a mysterious figure in the distance. So, what does our fearless hero do? He panics for a second and then... drumroll, please... runs TOWARDS the figure! Because nothing says "smart decision-making" like approaching a potential maniac, right?
And in the grand finale, we have the pièce de résistance! With unmatched enthusiasm, he shouts, "I LOVE YOUR COSPLAY!!!" Oh, bless his heart for not realizing that the terror before him is all too real.

Oh, please gather 'round, for we have the tale of Davey and his infatuation with the Friday Series, brought to you by a rough childhood, a sprinkle of undiagnosed obsessive-compulsive disorder, and of course, the crowning glory—a defining moment in his adolescence! It's like the stars aligned to make him the perfect Friday the 13th devotee!
Hold your breath for the pivotal "Defining moment" that sparked this epic fixation—none other than playing the awe-inspiring Friday The 13th NES game as a child! Oh, the wonders of pixelated horror that forever changed his destiny!
Can you even imagine the monumental task he undertook? Attempting to binge-watch every Friday film back in the day, while simultaneously navigating the complexities of his tender age and the oh-so-innocent contents of these movies. What a challenge! Who needs Blockbuster when you can resort to petty theft to fuel your insatiable curiosity? "What happened next?" he would ask, with an urgency that rivals the most compelling philosophical questions.
Ah, the nostalgic joy of Jason Takes Manhattan—1989's latest masterpiece of the series. Critics may have turned up their noses, but our dear Davey, oh, he adored it! Alas, his journey of cinematic exploration came to an end, and with it, the disappointment that there were no more films to devour.
But lo and behold! Years later, a trailer emerged from the depths of horror movie heaven. Davey saved up every penny (quite an achievement for an obsessive individual, I must say) and positioned himself at the forefront of the line to witness the glory of Jason Goes to Hell. Spoiler alert: he did not enjoy it. But hey, let's give credit where it's due—despite the sour taste in his mouth, his enthusiasm for the vengeful goalie remained intact.
I'm your biggest fan!

Oh, prepare yourself for the ultimate cosmic coincidence—our dear geeked-out mega fan happens to stumble upon his oh-so-adorable idol in the middle of nowhere. Cue the dramatic music and suspenseful lighting, please!
In a stroke of sheer brilliance, our protagonist plans a camping trip that doubles as a Friday the 13th movie marathon! (To celebrate the release of "Jason X") 
He brought all the essentials: a screen projector (because watching movies on a regular-sized screen is for mere mortals), a tent (because who needs proper accommodation when you can rough it out like a true fanatic), snacks (to keep up the energy for all those jump scares), and of course, a bedsheet to project on (because resourcefulness and resource-wasting go hand in hand).
As if the setup couldn't get any more cliché, the marathon gets "interrupted" while watching Jason Lives. What impeccable timing, don't you think?
And then, like a scene out of a B-list horror movie, Davey hears a loud snap of a twig behind him. He turns around to encounter... drumroll, a large, looming figure emerging from the forest!
But wait, let's not forget the artistic description here. The figure is "almost invisible," covered by darkness— Its shape is only slightly illuminated, just enough to add some dramatic flair to the scene. And the pièce de résistance—the face! Featureless and pale, with no visible eyes, just dark holes staring into Davey's soul. 
You and your friends are dead, game over.

Brace yourselves for the most exquisite display of pent-up rage and obsession—our dear Davey, the self-proclaimed fanatic, just can't contain his seething hatred for humanity! And how does he express this charming sentiment? Well, by putting on a signed Hockey mask, of course! Because nothing says "I have issues" quite like a good old hockey mask and a murderous rampage.

Let's talk about this precious Hockey mask, shall we? It's not just any old piece of plastic—no, no! It's adorned with the sacred scribbles of actors, stuntmen, and makeup artists who had the honor of working with his revered "Jason." Quite the collector's item, one might say, worth a pretty penny—over a thousand dollars, to be precise. But who cares about money when you can have the privilege of getting it all dirty with... BLOOD!

He will also don some less expensive merchandise to match his pricey facial wear.

Such as the Hot Topic Friday jeans.
This Friday NES Game over undershirt
Whatever the hell this pullover is
These blood-spattered sneakers
And the murder weapon

And if he successfully gets away with murder for the day, he will then tuck in wearing his spirit Halloween pajama set, or, God forbid, 


Oh, get ready for some fabulous trivia—because in this universe, the "Friday Movies" are not just mere movies; they're based on the oh-so-elusive "Urban legend" Jason Voorhees! And guess what? Little did those filmmakers know, he's the real deal! How original! I'm sure they were all in for quite the surprise when they found out they were turning a chilling reality into some B-list slasher flicks.
But wait, it gets better! Our hero, Davey, is so into his horror fandom that he keeps a picture of Freddy Krueger and Tommy Jarvis on separate dartboards. Because who needs friends when you can throw darts at faces instead? Such healthy coping mechanisms, right?
Oh, and brace yourself for this groundbreaking revelation—our beloved Raccoon (or rather, just Davey) is the only version in this timeline who's never worn a fur skin cap. How sad! So no "Raccoon" nickname for him, but fear not—he has a ponytail to make up for it. Because nothing says "stylish" like pretending you're wearing a cap that you're not actually wearing. Genius!
And oh, the drama continues! Davey has a love-hate relationship with the infamous Jason Goes to Hell variant. On one hand, he's a massive movie fan who expects these films to "Get it right" and "Don't fuck up the lore." Oh, how noble! But alas, this movie is by far the worst of the Friday films. Even die-hard fans must admit it. But hey, at least they can find solace in the fact that it was a visually stunning look for the goalie. Silver linings, people, silver linings!
And here comes the juiciest tidbit of all—brace yourselves for some X-rated content! Davey, in all his refined taste, totally indulges in Jason Voorhees X Readers. Because who needs classic literature when you can have steamy romantic encounters with a hockey-mask-wearing murderer? Clearly, a fine choice for a discerning horror enthusiast like Davey!
