


10 months, 20 days ago



Name Alexem
Last nameSmith
Age 24
Height181 cm
Race Fox
Birthday April 1st
Town Obsidiath - Goddart
Handedness Righthanded

PERSONALITY: Charismatic, appassionated and sassy. A man who's willing to put his own heart on each work performed by himself, be it tailoring or assassination. He has what is recognized as a "unbreakable will" and doesn't allow anybody to question him, specially not his sense of fashion. Those who once dared to do so didn't escape his fury in one piece.

A prodigy mastermind in clothing creation. A truly admirer of beauty who is willing to defy the world just to archieve the position to bring the true potential of every being, scene or situation that happened to dignify the vulpine.


  • Fashion
  • Tailoring
  • Luxury
  • Elegant clothing
  • Dresses
  • Moneyyyy


  • Being questioned
  • Sabotage
  • Conspiracy
  • People with no sense of fashion.


Alexem Smith / Arctic Vulpini / A rank / Sirius ^

"Powerful", the first word that comes to his mind when you ask him to describe himself.  With the biggest, and presumably most poweful intel chain all around the five-pointed-Star guilds, Alexem smartly managed to serve his purpose as an assassin, while still dedicating his will and passion to his desired job: Tailoring.

Arctic Vulpini, certainly not the most creative code-name, thinks Aiden. But one must not forgets his true nature if one want to archieve his true potential. Would kindly remind Alexem to this affirmation.



Alexem Smith was a boy born in a prestigious family of well-known tailors in the Amethyst Kingdom: Asmeryst. Being the first born son, he was unquestionably the heir to the business, so from a very young age, he was instructed in the art of tailoring.

As expected, Alexem grew up in luxury, knowing very important families, and therefore, wealthy. So not having any minor goal to achieve, the little boy aspired to be part of the noblesse. His ambition to achieve his dream was so great that he began to imitate the behavior of the nobles, insinuating that one day the princess would wear dresses made by him, and that even his fame would be such that he could marry the king himself. Certainly, a childish fantasy, but the magnitude of his desire was such that it led him to work harder every day.

Having noticed his efforts, his father took him as his assistant in various jobs, looking for the young man to learn from him, and gain experience that would be useful in the future. Something that her younger sister did not seemed to have approved, because she also wanted to take care of the business on her own, since she was convinced that she could take the family name further, having more talent and potential. Believing herself more mature than her brother, she decided to constantly conspire against him, trying to sabotage him in order to prove to her father that she really was the worthy heiress. Which is why the Smith siblings never got along.

One day, his father took Alexem on a new job, which at first seemed not very different from the ones he had attended before, but ended up marking the life of the heir. Alexem and his father attended the mansion of a low-ranking nobleman, a recurring client for Alexem's father, but this time he had requested his services for his newly adopted son: Aiden, a boy about the same age as Alexem, but whose sight lacked any light of life. Something that caught Alexem's attention, why someone so young, and with such a distinguishable social status, could lack the desire to live?... It was thanks to his curiosity that he had the motivation to talk to the boy, wanting to know him better.

Since that day, Alexem had given himself a new mission, befriending the young Aiden. Which at first cost him a lot of work, because clearly, the boy had never had an interaction of that type. Even resorting to violence when he came into direct contact with him. What the young warlock didn't know, is that Alexem wouldn't give up so easily on a self-imposed mission. Alexem kept trying to get closer and closer to the boy, who got more and more used to this, getting to imitate his social behaviors, and finally, realizing his intentions. Thus giving Alexem the long-awaited opportunity to form a friendship with him. Which at first was difficult for Aiden to carry out, but Smith's behavior came to seem so nice and familiar that he even got used to it, thus finally becoming friends. The long-awaited friendship that would soon change the existence of both.

Already confident, Aiden told his friend all about his past life, before he was adopted. And it was there where Alexem faced a reality of life, knowing the other side of the coin, realizing how cruel fate can be with some misfortunes. Thus developed more empathy, and a more realistic view of the world in which he always lived. Alexem and Aiden had become great friends, as their visits were quite constant, enough to spend a lot of time together. Having exchanged values and different points of view towards the world, both had developed a fairly stable and dynamic friendship.

Time had passed, and her sister's envy had not ceased, because his name was becoming more and more recognized after so many jobs assisting their father. If she wanted to dethrone her brother, she had to not only prove herself worthy, but also go to extreme lengths, having him completely disinherited. After meeting Aiden and the relationship this boy had with his brother, she decided to investigate more about him. Taking enough risks, she made contacts that helped her learn Aiden's true identity, thus uncovering the crimes he and his stepfather were hiding. Using this information to her advantage, she was able to make Alexem look like a partner in crime, "a double spy", she claimed. As not so long ago his stepfather had been murdered, whose family sought to avenge him even at a high cost.

Frightened and kinda disappointed, their father decided that disinheriting Alexem would be the safest thing to secure their reputation. But their mother, still worried about him, decided to secretly contact her brother, explaining the situation, and asking him to take his nephew in. Request that he, suspiciously, accepted immediately.

When Alexem found out about the situation, he acted in denial, but not wanting to be heard by his family, he decided to go with his friend in search of the truth. But instead, he found something that even in his worst possibilities he couldn't have guessed. The mansion where Aiden and his stepfather used to reside was on fire, although it still didn't seem to have been lit for a long time, as it was still almost entirely preserved. So in an act of bravery, he decided to enter the burning mansion in search of his friend.

He finally managed to find him deep in the mansion, almost unconscious. In front of him also laid the body of his stepfather, stabbed against a wall. But surprisingly, it wasn't the fatal wound that caught Alexem's attention the most, but rather the peculiar wings and horns that he could swear he had never seen forming part of his body before. With only this it was enough for him to draw conclusions, why Aiden had betrayed him, and this for Alexem was more than enough to prove Aiden's innocence. Whom he struggled to get out of the flaming mansion.

Aiden woke up in what seemed to be a safe place, or at least the last place he remembered being. There he met Alexem. They finally spoke, putting themselves in context during everything that had happened to both of them. It was then that Alexem revealed that he would soon be disinherited, and taken away by his uncle, who he suspected was an assassin. Not having many words of comfort, or even plans, Aiden offered to go with him, and accompany him on the path of assassination, which he was already used to. With not many other options, both boys gave in to a meeting with Alexem's uncle: Altair Amphelice


It's been a while since the incident with the families of the two unfortunates boys, and they had been taken as apprentices by the assassin Altair. Who, despite being strict and insensitive, ended up quickly becoming a father figure for both of them. Whom despites not showing an ounce of empathy during the harrowing training sessions, in the rest of the day was even grateful for them, for their company, understanding and sacrifice. Getting to show them both the necessary support to supply that small part of affection that he knew they both required. In addition to this, he was also kind enough to give them a home in his house, where unlike their previous families, they felt safe.

His goal with the boys was to turn them into assassins strong enough and capable of joining the most renowned assassins guild in the northern Obsidian kingdom, so that they could take his place, and let him enjoy a well-deserved retirement.

During the training, Alexem felt powerless and incapable, because without previous experience it was impossible for him to complete the lethal tests that his uncle challenged them to daily. Contrary to Aiden who seemed to be quite skilled in the art of assassination already. 

Realizing that, Aiden decided to help his now brother-in-arms to train, hiding from his uncle. It was there when they both found the perfect place, the backyard of the mansion, where there was nothing but a large planting of orchids. Where Alexem showed his strange obsession with picking flowers, which ended up ratting them out.

And although it was Aiden who ended up taking the blame for it, Alexem couldn't help but feel guilty. But that same night, Aiden returned to their room with an orchid, cut by himself with Altair's authorization; he could tell that by the cut of the stem, it seemed to have been done with delicacy and precision, with the right tools. A lesson that would be very useful to him.


Years later, having completed their training, both boys were ready to enter Sirius. But before sending them away, Altair decided to give them a day of complete freedom as a reward, in order to fulfill their last wish before starting their new life as assassins. Aiden decides to use that opportunity to try to rescue a relative who had lost, and hinted to owe her a ransom. Alexem, without any pending to fulfill for that day, decided to help him.

Unfortunately, the rescue mission was a failure, because that day they could not find that relative of Aiden, they had to take her for dead in order to move on. But during that mission, both of them were able to use their battle skills in synergy, which they had been honing for so long. Being their first battle together, it was certainly something to remember.

The next day, both of them were formally introduced to Sirius. Fulfilling many missions as assassination agents since then. It took years for Alexem to finally realize how profitable it was to use his tailoring skills in the world of assassination. Having enough skill to create his own battlesuits, generated in many the desire to obtain their own from his hand. It was thus that Alexem partially left assassination to dedicate himself to what he has always been passionate about from the beginning: Tailoring




  • Talent: Thermokinesis (temperature control and manipulation)
  • Function: Debuffer, support. Physical damage dealer.
  • Grade: A rank
  • Trainer: Altair Amphelice (uncle)
  • Weapon mastery: rapiers (light sword), Axes, lances, spears.
  • Arsenal:
  • "Mistflower" rapier.
  • "Winter Orchid Apricity"  two-handed axe.


  • Height: 181 cm
  • Weight: 82 kg
  • Hair: short, curly, black colored.
  • Eye color: Sky blue.
  • Race: Therion
  • Alignment: Vulpine
  • Breed: Arctic fox


  • Intelligence level: high.
  • Mental condition: stable.
  • Emotional condition: stable.
  • Personality type: extrovert.


  • Place of birth: Asmeryst - Redtowers.
  • Language: common language.
  • love interest: 
  • Sexual orientation: Gay/homosexual.
  • Occupation: Tailor, modist, and assassin from the guild Sirius.
  • Relationships chart


  • His signature weapon, "Winter Orchid Apricity" was the first weapon ever crafted by Aiden. This was a gift from him for Alexem's birthday, and it was given the next night after being punished by their uncle for cutting his orchids. Aiden offered many times to redesing this weapon, but Alexem denied, since he kept a very big emotional value on this weapon, and not wanted any changes done on this precious memory.
  • Alexem has probably one of the most very powerful intel chain, and this thanks to his bussiness as an assassin tailor. It is presumed that this is the reason why Sirius has managed to keep its high power for so long.


