Jisela Riou



6 years, 20 days ago


Name: Jisela Riou

Species: Sephi

Born: 55 BBY 

Jisela is an individual who seems detached and disinterested in both appearance and attitude. She seems to care little for the goings on around her, and even her own allegiance can be left to question at times. She can appear to some as lazy, callous, and easily dissuaded. Few people seem to have fear of her at first glance for this reason, though some have taken issue with her attitude when she is in the face of confrontation. Despite inital apperance, Jisela is far from inept or able. She has been noted to be extremely manipulative and intelligent, and has little problem talking her way around others to get what she wants, and seems to show little remorse for what that might mean for them. She isn't opposed to working with others, even those she may have once viewed as an enemy, if it meant she could climb closer to a particular goal. Whatever assistance she may provide to others, however, Jisela always places herself and those she holds close above all others, and would not hesitate to cut down those who would threaten her or that which she holds dear.

*Jisela once learned under Ayellas. She is grateful for all that which her former master taught her, and holds tightly to a version of her principals, bit found her morals took her down a different path.

*She has an unusually strong ability in Precognition

*She sits back and watches the galaxy burn for some like 100 years

-Left the order at a young age

-Recruited under Palpatine, was preemptively trained as a Prophet of the Dark Side

-Showed great amounts of promise

-She couldn’t find reason to stay true to the emperors ideas

-She dropped off the face of the galaxy after Palpatine tried to have her killed.

-Resurfaced later on doing mercenary work

-Still trying to avoid the Jedi

-Her vs other big though mercs

-Will work for kids pro bono

-Still able to use her abilities, flashes

-Acts lazy, but v able

-Has actually helped save a lot of people if she thinks its worth it



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