Dante Aoyama



6 years, 13 days ago


My job is to separate the fake and no valuable 'gems' from the true treasures out there, and this isn't limited to just jewelry"

Dante Aoyama

[ About ]


A jewelry designer is an artist who uses metals, gems and other materials to create adornments like bracelets, earrings, rings, and necklaces, requires a great deal of imagination and artistic skill. But jewelry artists also make, repair, clean and restore jewelry pieces. Some also specialize in appraising jewelry, using a combination of research and direct evaluation to determine a piece's worth. Dante made a name for himself in the fashion industry with such delicate and beautiful work in different shapes and forms.

Gentleman at the bare eye, Dante is a elegant and fancy man whose artistic view and passsion for design in jewelry makes its way throrugh the world, finding inspiration in everything and on everyone he meets, known for his custom pieces, adapting to every client's likes and preferences, Putting special care and detail on each product. Not only that, but well his products can arrive to the thousands to dozens of thousands of dollars, if not more, he has made fine jewelry more available for the public who could only dream about having such pieces, taking cheaper gemstones and delivering jewelry pieces such as precious as the expensive one, of course, leaving the fine gems to the demographic who can pay them, just because he can be kind, doesnn't mean he is an idiot, he has a family to substain after all, and not only that but with..certain levels of luxury, why live good when you can live amazingly.

If well he is known for being charismatic and easy to approach and talk with, He is more of what the eye meets, as his personal life is not well known to the public besides the fact Dante is the survivor of the massacre of his parents and a family friend in the office of, a robbery gone wrong, Besides that, he is very protective of his privacy when it comes to his surviving family like his younger brother and uncle, to his personal relationships like his lady love and his selection of friends, even his little playthings, a man wrapped in mystery whose is fascinated by the shine and glee of jewelry. But that knows a lot more of what people give him credit for.

[ Personality ]


  • Diamonds
  • Formal Events
  • Cherries
  • Venetian masks


  • Cheap Alcohol
  • Nosy people
  • The Justice system
  • White chocolate


Something that can't be denied about Dante, is how terryingly charismatic the man is, he knows exactly what to say and do to bring people towards him, wrapping them with a excellent use of words and stories, selling his speeches that make his clients always return, also to give a good look to his bussiness, while bringing more clients to his side, keeping the frequent ones rreturnign over and over, something he is known for is being a good listener, not only wrapping people in conversations, but also bringing a certain level of trust and easyness where people feel confident on spilling personal info and experiences to him, knowing he can keep a secret, Which makes him an extraordinary informant if required. A creative man that finds solutions in the most ingenius and sometimes flat out ridiculous ways, but not in a bad way, just ways people wouldn't think of. As charismatic as he is, he is not that easy to actually befriend and get in a more personal way with, but when you do, he will be there ot help you out, extremely loyal to his loved ones or those who prove their worth as a person. Whatever he looks like it or not, he is very generous! gives in big quantities and quality doesn't fall behind! Just the best for those he loves! who admitedly, are not that many you would expect

If well he is open to talk about his past, which is not that exciting in all honesty, he is very private of his present and future, willing to talk about work, but outside of that? There is no such luck, he knows to separate the bussiness from the daily life, his intimacy and his family's he is very protective of, family being his brother and Uncle, his lover and a selective circle of friends, even his playthings he hold a special place in his heart, since brings him different kinds of amusement and fun. Dante is also a very patient man, he can wait, whatever it may be for bussiness opportunities, seal contracts, give space to those he cares about, but also if he holds a gruddge, he can wait for the right moment to get some time of...compensation. Very Observant, waiting for the right chance in anything he sets his mind to, you neve rknow when he will strike

Dante is a very tolerant man, but doesn't mean he doesn't have a limit, he can be very volatile when provoked or you stoke a nerve you shouldn't have,like talking ill of his loved ones, getting verbally aggresive and sometimes even physical, not caring who or what was said, if you wronged him or someone close to him, he won't hesitate to make you see that. that charisma can land into manipulative tendencies, sweet talking his way to gather information he might wanna know. Not showing a slight of regret on using his charisma on that, that's a reason he took advantage of his charisma and perfectionated his speech. Morbid nature he caught with the passing years, finding extreme joy in seeing those he may not like in disgrace. Cynical attitude, specially after being surrounded by lots of rich people, even his own parents before they found their demise, he's seen people doing anything for their own gain, he doesn't see why he shouldn't take advantage of that for his own goals, the goal justifies the means, and if it benefits him or his family, so be it. Resentful like you wouldn't believe, holds grudges for years if not forever, he can and will cling on that hatred.

[ Basics ]

AGE 27
OCCUPATION Jewelry Designer

[ Story & Trivia ]

British gentleman, Dante Aoyama, the oldest of 2 kids from a marriage of Takashi and Penelope Aoyama, he being a judge and she being a fashion model. While he was expected to follow up to his father's steps in the justice system, instructing Dante in ways he would understand and mayube grab aliking for justice, Dante took a liking to the fashion side of his family, doing catwalks like his mother would do, sometimes dressing up his little brother Zack with their father's clothes, or the curtains around the house which most of the time got them into trouble but what trully caught Dante's attention, was jewelry, finding the shinning and delicate pieces trully fascinating to see on people, boosting their beauty in different manners. Showing a more artistic view on doing more than just wearing fancy stuff, but drawing and doodling different pieces he would like to wear in the future, or would like to see his mom wearing, dreaming sometimes that he would be a well known artist and would have his brother Zack model whatever Dante did, since his little bbrother would show a very big support for his older brother. Some of the favorite things Dante would enjoy alot was playing with play-doh and design his own jewelry pieces, golden pearls, red gems, blue gems, and show to his mom, always being encourged to do what he enjoys, sometimes Both their parents would take Dante and Zack to the model sessions, when there was time, there would be a photoshoot for just Zack and Dante. at the start, Dante was over the moon, being supported to do what he liked at such young age? feel like a superstar? he was living the dream! Zack would enjoy it alot, but as years passed, Dante started getting...weird vibes but he brushed it off, yeah sometimes the photographer would look at them in uncomfortable ways, but it couldn't be a bad thing right? maybe was just frustated! that's what Dante told himself alot of the time, as long as Zack was ok, he was ok.

Dante's dad would often talk to some people on his office, sometimes their mom would join in, and whenever Dante or Zack were nearby, the maids under their dad's orders would take the both kids away and not let them get close until they were done, which if well Zack was too young to really question it and distract himself with other toys and agmes, Dante found it weird, what were the adults talking about that they didn't wanted to listen? was it a surprise? Dante loved surprises! but this one surprise ended up being a life changer, something he wasn't aware just yet, his curiosity would make him sometimes try to sneak in, just to be taken away eachtime. Something that didn't pleased him, but there was not much he could do, at least not until later when he turned 14

As a young teen now, Dante wanted more, he didn't see the jewelry as a mere game anymore, he wanted to do proper piecces! start taking it more serious! but of course the adults wouldnt give him jewelry, the expensive pieces, so he doodled and doodled on his sketchbook, and came up with a really pretty design! For ebign 14 years old he had talent! he knew this was gonna be what he wanted to do, the first proper design he was actually proud of and that he wanted to try working on it with proper gems! It has a crimson moon and other piece had a blue moon! he would give the blue moon to his brother since he loved blue alot! maybe with this he would be able to prove himself and show his mom and dad he was ready to follow his dream of being a jewelry designer! It was one of those times where they would be in his mom's office, he knew it was just both his parents and a known friend of theirs, Dante knew him, he was a nice guy! Maybe he could convince them to guide him if there was a witness that could also appreciatte his first genuine piece! but once he entered his mom's office...Everything went black.

After a while, he woke up in a hospital with his brother crying and hiccuping being comforted by their uncle, who came from Paris to visit just to find a gruesome scene Dante wasn't aware of just yet, once second he was making sketches and doodles for his first set of jewelry and the next one...he was gone. He didn't understood what happened, just to later be told that his parents were found brutally murdered next to said family friend, it was suggested a robbery that went wrong, it was suggested the scene is what caused Dante to vanish, hitting his head and ending up in the hospital. A famous judge of the court of justice of England and a well known and beautiful model both killed just to be found lifeless by their son. Now he had to be there for his brother, his uncle Keichi Aoyama, who was a recognized and respected valuer and jewelry expert. In the proccess of moving to France, to take the boys away from the place where they lost their parents, Keichi found Dante's sketchbook with his own creations such as the one Dante left behind after finding his parents dead. Seeing Dante's potential in the industry, he dedicated his time into guiding Dante into following his dream of being a jewelry designer, with Dante's talent and his uncle's mentoring, and the emotional support of his brother. Dante would often sketch various ideas for jewelry for every kind of person, he would take the tragedy to inspire himself to work harder and have a bigger name than both his parents together, he would be successful and prove he can be on the top for the sake of his brother and uncle, his only family. Earning with honors the title of Ultimate Jewelry designer

  • Dante loves chocolate, but if there is a type he can't stand, it's white chocolate, it just tastes awful to him
  • One of his favorite pastimes besides designing jewelry, is painting venetian masks, he lvoes to mamke them and buy them, it's his guilty pleasure, he enjoys the aesthetic a lot!
  • Has a hatred for the current justice system, thinks it's hypocritical and inneficient, leaving the culprits out most of the time and getting innocent people in, probably thinks this after the murderer of his parents was never caught
  • His wife is actually a childhood friend when he moved to France! his french wasn't as polished like his english or his japanese, but thanks to his uncle and his now wife, he mastered it just fine!
  • While he took the route of beauty and arts, his brother followed on his father's steps, and while Zack didn't became a judge, he became a criminal psychologist! so Dante and Zack in the end did followed the paths of thier parents! Dante working in the ebauty side while Zack went into the justice branch! somethign Dante isn't a big fan of, but is supportive in the end

[ Relationships ]


Celia Sinclair

To this day, Dante wonders what made her stick around, she has seen his more nasty side, yet..she wasn't scaared or disgusted, on the cocntrary, she found it brave and honorable? that was a first one for him, she has been there for him for as long as he can remember, whatever it was their friendship or something that developed into more, He is willing to give her the world and more, the only one who understands him and loves him unconditionally outside of his family. The one that saw beyond the glee and sparkles that ccovered him and saw [and accepted] a more raw version of him, now it's his turn to repay back all that love and make her the happiest she can be. As his wife and as his confidant


Zack Aoyama

Zack is Dante's center of adoration, whatever is by spoiling him to teasing him, but there is nothing Dante wouldn't do for his brother, the one that supported him from the very beginning, And even tho he was Dante's guinea pig for a good while when doing jewelry, he enver gave up on him, he trully believed in his talent as a designer, Zack might be 3 years younger than Dannte, but has shown a level of maturity that sometimes not even Dante has, which helps a lot when Dante needs dto eb brought back to earth. Dante is and forever will be grateful to have his little brother with him


Kiyoshi Aso

Admitedly, they didn't had a great start, to say it was a rocky situation, is an understatement. As Dante's sometimems volatine personnality would scare the fuck out fo Kiyoshi, but as time went on, he saw the guy was not as hopeless as he appeared to be, In the moments they managed to bond, they cleared the air eventually, Dante apologizing for his harsh attitude towards him, while the other one while didn't leaved his character, mellowed down with him, which was appreciatted, having a common enemy, they learned to work together a lot better


Shizu Azuhara

To say their relationship is complicated is an understatement. When he isnt snapping out at her to the point he has gotten physical at some degree with her, even hurting her sometimes, to helping her with cases as an informant and sometimes saving her from dangerous situations, If well he hates nosy people, he has to admit there is something that attracts him towards her, is it the superficial attractive appeareance of the woman? her desire of reaching for the truth and helping to catch true criminals? Her kind nature despise being wronged so much? He isn't sure himself, but can't help but teaser her and her boyfriend, who can be both a pain in the ass for him as well as a source of entretainment


Akeem Dubois

The other kidney stone in his life alongside Shizu, but unlike with her, the tension between Akeem and him is greater in comparison, thinks the prosecutor it's a fun yet hypocrite man, preaching his so dear justice when Dante knows damn well he would do anything to keep his beloved little girlfriend safe, such as murder. At the same time, he can't help it but find it hilarious, defending his and shizu's precious 'justice' when the 3 of them know it's nothing but bullshit, yet they get on his case. A fun chase of the cats and the mouse, one chase that Dante tends to win everytime, and they know it



Even if Dante doesn't like to admit it, He owns Alpha alot, helping him be stronger physically, emotionally and even psychologically, One of the few adults outside from his uncle he is willing to open up with, not only was she an ear willing to listen, but also became his mentor in fencing as well as other techniques. Something is always thanful for, maybe giving him a bit more hope on people, maybe just a little bit