


10 months, 12 days ago

Basic Info

AU Na'vi Isis


clan Tsahiki (spiritual leader)

Name meaning

Ro'a: be impressive, inspire awe or respect


From one of the many reef peoples' (like the Metkayina), She is clan Tsahiki. A powerful spiritual woman who many in her clan believes to be connected directly to Eywa.

Ro'a grew up alongside ‘Änsyem. As teens, he often playfully bullied her. As young adults, both focused on their life paths. ‘Änsyem on becoming the clan's best warrior, and Ro'a in honing her natural gifts and connection to Eywa as the next Tsahìk. Ro'a became Tsahìk before ‘Änsyem rose up to become the clan's next olo'eyktan. Throughout her life, Ro'a was marked as special for her unique connection to Eywa. The previous Tsahìk, ‘Änsyem's mother, took Ro'a under her wing immediately and began to help Ro'a develop her natural abilities. This made Ro'a a very spiritually strong Tsahìk. She worked for many years to do so, before she finally became the clan's next Tsahìk. During her first few years as Tsahìk, ‘Änsyem and Ro'a started to develop a relationship as Ro'a began to respect ‘Änsyem for his humble and gentle nature, yet skill as a warrior, and the way he provided and protected as a leader. Ro'a and ‘Änsyem courted for a time before bonding, later becoming mates. 

As a couple, Ro'a and ‘Änsyem work seamlessly together. They've a way of communicating, understanding one another so well that mere looks can be a way of silent communication between them. As leaders of their clan, they always work together and support one another through all challenges and decisions, even if they're not always in agreement to one another. Together, they've one child, Tsreuna.

Ro'a foresaw the RDA Recon unit invading their village months before they arrived. Her vision helped ‘Änsyem and the warriors prepare.