Magnus Lovenorn





True love is possible only in the next world, for new people. It's too late for us. Wreak havoc on the middle class.

name magnus lovenorn
gender nonbinary
pronouns he/she/they
orientation bisexual
age 37
birthday october 30th
s.o ???
measurements 5'10" - 245lbs
ultimate gambler
role dr:d/a / ???
He is inside his body and I am inside my body and it matters less and less.
Shared face, shared looking. A collaboration.
He didn't expect to be handed over, to be delivered. To be tricked into his own face.
Anyone can paint a mask. It's boring.
And everyone secretly wants to collaborate with the enemy, to construct a truer version of the self.
How much can you change and get away with it, before you turn into something else?
Before it's some kind of murder?
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
mbti enfp
alignment chaotic neutral
leading trait intuitive
biggest flaw rash

Design notes

  • Magnus has long, shaggy hair that goes down past his shoulders. He parts it and generally wears his hair in the front. It's styled similarly to an overgrown mullet. There are discolored streaks throughout his hair.
  • Magnus wears a tan leisure suit jacket with pinstriped bellbottoms. The interior of his jacket is green with brown stripes, and is visible at his folded up cuffs. This is the same pattern on his matching vest.
  • She wears a loose bolo tie at his collar that goes over his exposed chest. They also have suspenders worn off their shoulders and just off, down by her legs. He wears an empty gun holster on his thigh.
  • Magnus is typically wearing a translucent green poker visor typical of dealers in casinos. His earrings are dice. Her shoes are mismatched bowling shoes.
  • Overall, Magnus is tall and wide. He has a broad build that is somewhat overweight. His nose is hooked and colored a ruddy red. He has a wide mustache and long, overgrown muttonchops he refuses to shave. His left hand is missing its pointer finger, and he also wears a wedding band on that hand's ring finger. His left (viewer's right) eye is glass and slightly askew.

I think I already died when you got here. But I woke up when I heard your voice.


AN ULTIMATE GAMBLER HAS TO KEEP THEIR LUCK ON ITS TOES, LEST IT RUN OUT — and as someone who's been running on fumes, Magnus is surprised he's made it this far. She's bulit a reputation for themself as someone who's completely unable to be outdone. Not in keeping up a poker face, not in pushing one's luck; it's Magnus's game, and he plays it well.

Magnus excels in all things luck and casinos, particularly slot machines and poker. Though, lottery tickets, blackjack, and more aren't out of his league — she's emmassed quite a fortune for himself, though it generally ends up back in the pot right when it's won. Things get messier when it dips into darker gambles, though lady luck always gives her fortune in the end.


Magnus's existence is lightning in a bottle: though he tries to keep it underwraps, Magnus suffers from Retrograde Amnesia, which warps how he witnesses the world. While unable to remember anything before his accident, she turns to the world with a surprising amount of hope on the horizon. On top of this, he generally tries to do right by people, able to look past the world's many dark corners and appreciate it for all the lights that make it worth while. Blind naivety at leaves some creedance to the good things, one of memory loss's only pros and backhanded at that.

Unfortunately, Magnus is rather irresponsible and unreliable and can easily be summed up as a disaster. She's constantly looking for the missing pieces of her past, though is almost always unable to handle the shock that comes with remembering. It leaves them bubbling in nostalgia they don't quite understand — Magnus is rather emotional and finds fondness in everything, though they fall for most sleights of hand. Though, it's better to be kindhearted-yet-gullible than too cold to handle.

hometown las vegas, nv..?
ethnicity white
zodiac scorpio

trope mr. vice guy
d.e. skill shivers
animal cockatoo

voice claim n/a
playlist ♪♫♪

fave food cocktail shrimp
fave drink vodka cranberry

various trivia

  • magnus is heavily inspired by the protagonist of disco elysium. this might be a fact obvious to anyone who knows that this is my favorite game ever because i dont shut up about it.
  • they're not entirely a duo as they're separate characters, but magnus and madonna do know each other. their relationship is [data expunged].
  • his favorite game to play at the casino is a simple game of poker. he's fond of billiards and darts at bars, but for betting, poker is a go to. magnus's poker face is The Expression.
  • she's very fond of feeding stray animals. cats flock at his house and they're unable to turn them down.
  • how magnus lost a finger and an eye well... who's to say really.
  • ferris wheels
  • melancholic jazz
  • velvet seats
  • sunrises over water
  • apricot gum
  • locked doors
  • trick dice
  • early risers
  • darts
  • billiards
  • collecting trash
  • meeting people
