


10 months, 15 days ago



(pronounced Re-smee)

- Has a half-sister: Sharlene 'Lenny' Crow
- In a romantic relationship with (to be revealed someday)

- Leader of a criminal gang in Kravenho (The underworld of her home country Mer'aska) -> it is literally the underworld (like actually underground and stuff lol)
- Part of what she does is to exploit the unfortunately not illegal child experimentation jobs that occur in the country (as a victim of it herself, her goal is to abolish it from the country, which is difficult as children make up 70% of the trade)
- She purposely sewed on a million pockets to her trench coat so if she ever gets caught (which literally never happens bc she's too good) then the person who caught her has to search every. single. pocket.
- When she was in her teens, she set up an explosion and accidentally blew up her pinkie finger (which now has a working metal extension)

- Child experimentation is legal as it it helps to support the economy of the country (the main trade of Mer'aska is drug production -> as in super human power drugs that do cool stuff) and no one wants to disrupt the economy and stand up for what's right bc they want money

- Her mother lives in Desamshar (the other half of the overworld which is not as prosperous as Kei Ranva, the richer region of Mer'aska where many noble/business men and the royal family reside)
- Her mother couldn't take care of her as a child and had to give her up to an orphanage (which trafficked children into being test subjects for drugs without her knowledge)
- Rhesmi only reunited with her mother (who lives alone and doesn't associate with Rhesmi bc she might get arrested for involvement in her activities) after she escaped from testing sites after being a victim for many years
- Her father is a rich adventurer dude who abandoned her mother and travels everywhere (what a loser)