Turtlepaw! WC: Forgotten ties



10 months, 25 days ago


⋆˚✿˖° TURTLEPAW ⋆˚✿˖°

  • NAME Turtlepaw


  • GENDER Male

  • ORIENTATIONQuestioning

  • AGE 6 Moons

  • HEIGHT 7 in.


  • VOICECalm and happy

❝I'm gonna be just like my dad!❞



Kithood -

Turtlekit is not at all skittish or nervous, but he is very clingy. Turtlekit was born into a litter of only one. He was always much smaller and shier than the other kits, but he tried to never let it bother him. He likes to sneak out of the nursery at times to watch the apprentices trail, but he never dares step a foot out of camp. He is typically right at his father's side, no matter what.

Turtlekit loves to explore wherever he can but is a big sucker for the rules. He wants to be a great warrior and looks up to his dad. His father is Blazingdawn, who was with Turtlekit quite often due to being a nursery dad and cause of his leg. Turtlekit is small and gentle. he takes after the caring nature of his father.


Only a moon or so before he was made an apprentice, Turtlepaw had an accident and fell into the river through a gap in the nursery. He nearly drowned, but luckily Irischime was there to save him. Ever since then, Turtle had a Rasp to his voice that never went away from inhaling so much water. He was appointed to be Healer apprentice. him and Blazingdawn celebrated, however, only a short while after he was appointed, Dawnbird went missing. This left Turtlepaw to be trained by Snakebite and Blazingdawn, along with other cats who had misc knowledge of herbs, due to the other Riverclan healer, CreekSkip, training cats from other clans.

However, due to Creekskip not being the one to train Turtlepaw, he grew into liking other cats much more than Creekskip, which led to Turtlepaw ultimately not respecting Creekskip whatsoever.

Turtlepaw is a small, frail-looking cat with lovely green eyes. Half of his pelt is deep brown and half is a silky white with patches of both colors crossing onto the opposite side. He has a very small nick on his right ear from playing a bit too rough. Despite being small, he is truthfully not someone you would want to mess with, lest you want your pelt clawed off that is.





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