Ace Coture



6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Ace Couture

Nickname/Alias: A

Age: 18

Gender: Intersexed Male (Male presenting)

Date of Birth: June 7

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 155 lbs

Nationality/Race: Cameroonian (French African)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality:  +Flirty, -Quiet, +Studious, +Gentle, ±Careful, +Organized, -Compulsive, -Insecure, -Self Doubtful, -Overworker, ±Shy, -Unhealthy, -Anxious, +Open 

Ace is typically shy and reserved in large crowds but speaking to him directly brings out the friendly and open part of him. Large bodies of people makes him anxious in a lot of situations causing him to make impulsive desicions when he usually wouldn't. While unable to deal with the pressure of multiple people and being in front of others he is a comforting and thoughtful friend to be around. Ace is playful and flirty when it comes to friends an dlikes to develop close comfortable reationships quickly. He also likes to plan his day out and have thought out what he wants to do going forward in life. Without the time and peace to think ahead he can get too focused and worried on minor details, ending up ignoring other things and his health just to complete a single task. 

Ace grew up in Cameroon, Africa and moved to France where he isolated himself until meeting a Korean student who he became best friends with. With her help he came out of his shell and became more social and she influenced him to move to Korea.
Ace was born to his parents in Cameroon, able to have a good education and home life due to his parents success in buisness. Ace's first language was french and his early childhood memories of his life were all filled with warmth and happiness. As he grew older he slipped away from more tradtitional interest and his father, being conserned for his son, began to be more strict with his Catholic schooling. He moved the family to France with his buisness and enrolled Ace in more prestigious Catholic schooling where Ace had no other choice but to be more focused on his school work. Ace, unintinonally, didn't have much of any way for self expression and withdrew from the other students, only going to school for doing his assignments. He didn't know why he was feeling so low all the time or why he felt so estranged from his peers who didn't really treat him any differently but he continued like this for years more, entering himself into a slow and dull repetitive lifestyle. As time went on his parents tried to guide him to find an interest in life, hoping he would persue buisness like them but Ace became intruiged with a forgine extange student from South Korea named Mi Na. She was kind, sweet, and bright enough to lighten up Ace's dreary outlook, using her short time in France to be Ace's cloest friend. For the next three months they were inseperable as friends, Mi Na teaching Ace Korean and about life there and Ace showing her what its like to live in France. They explored the country together, discorvering things they both enjoyed together and making memories that would last forever. Just as Mi Na had to leave to continue her extange program she told Ace of a school in Korea, one he may be interested in seeing how he felt being in France. With his parents approval Ace applied and transfered to Soryuji Academy with a more optomisitc outlook on his future!