billowing wail



10 months, 15 days ago


note, her right eye [left side of the screen] isn’t winking ! it stays mostly shut / squinted due to scarring and being injured + damaged. the pupil of this eye blends much more into the color of the iris as a result.

billow is meant to embody the phrase “wolf in sheep’s clothing” in the most literal sense possible: she is a beast forced from birth into a role that she has never belonged in, one that only hurts her and those who surround her. the shaggy “cape” of fur on her pelt is meant to convey that sense of just generally being misplaced. wrong.

in more technical terms, it’s an odd display of genetic codominance. the thick, shaggy cream-colored fur is much more coarse and wiry in texture, and is much thicker and denser than the rest of her pelt, almost like less-coiled sheep’s wool. the darker fur on her body, however, is much smoother and finer in texture, nowhere near as dense or rugged as her dorsal fur.