


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info








37 moons





~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OG Moonstone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

past names: Lilackit, Lilacpaw, Lilacwing

kin: Lavenderwing (mother), Windyfern (father), Willowfang (sister)

apprentices: Tuliphop, Spicefang

Personality: She’s a very proud and optimistic cat, able to turn almost any situation into a positive. With her confidence comes teasing and mischief, but it’s all in good spirits. She’s like the “big sister” of the clan, ready to fight for what she believes in and for her clanmates at a moment’s notice. She can be a bit impulsive at times, and her temper can get the best of her, causing her to be stubborn. Overall, she just wants what’s best for her clan and to keep a happy and positive atmosphere.

History/Timeline: She recently became RiverClan’s leader after Mudstar passed away due to sickness. 

A young kittypet was rescued from the river by one of RiverClan’s warriors. He has just escaped his twolegs and was looking for a new life in the wild, so Lilacstar accepted him into the clan as her own apprentice. He must prove himself loyal and worthy if he is to gain the trust of his clanmates. 

Whitestar has declared his intentions to take Sunningrocks, so RiverClan is preparing for battle. Spicepaw is improving everyday in his training, although he has been getting unexplainable scars.

The day of the Sunningrocks battle has come, and RiverClan is ready. The battle is brutal with both sides taking hits, including a few deaths. Lilacstar looses her first life after being pushed in the icy river by ThunderClan’s Ratfur and drowning. Thankfully she is saved by Minnowstream before she loses anymore, but she is weak. Her clan is also suffering and beginning to flee, so Lilacstar calls for a retreat, handing over Sunningrocks to ThunderClan. 

Lilacstar and Minnowstream are Starblessed at the Salmon Festival!

About a year has passed. Koiwhisker, RiverClan's former deputy, abandoned the clan to search for his exiled mate. Lilacstar is hurt by this, not only because Koiwhisker put his own desires above the clan, but also because he was one of Lilacstar's closest friends. Scorchedheart is chosen as RiverClan's new deputy.