Kirkwood Galeman



6 years, 3 months ago


» C H A R A C T E R ▼ I N F O «

▪ Name | Kirkwood Galeman

▪ Nickname | Ki

▪ Age | 21

▪ Gender | Male

▪ Birthday | Feb 13

▪ Height / Weight | 7'0" / 180 lbs

▪ Sexual Orientation | Asexual (Doesn't know yet)

▪ Relationship status | Open relationships with friends

» Q U I R K ▼ I N F O «

▪ Hero Name | Death Blow

▪ Name | Compressed Air

▪ Type | Emitter

▪ Short Description | Ki can make bubbles of gases. When he puckers his lips it triggers a reaction and makes varying explosions.

▪ Full Info |  Ki can make compressed bubbles of non liquefied gases like oxygen, nitrogen, helium and argon. When he puckers his lips it is a simulation of a compression of the bubble causing the unstable gas to react and make varying explosions. He can control the variable of how much pressure is inside each bubble and the majority gas component. (For example he can make a mostly oxygen or nitrogen bubble but the ratio will vary with his different surroundings and locations) By using this ability he can cause major destruction varying from the sudden release of dense air pressure in extremely high temperatures to the combustion of said pressured gasses. If the chemical balance of the gas inside the bubble is unbalanced (not properly made or too affected by the surrounding atmosphere) the bubble could light on fire, making the explosion much less powerful and more of an unstable expanding fireball. The quirk after prolonged use draws the air from Ki's bloodstream. General use will cause him to be pale and light headed but overuse can cause muscle strain, organ shut down, and an inability for his lungs to properly take in air. Ki will end up hyperventilating, soon suffocating then passing out. To help him resuscitate himself his mask is equipped with an inhaler similar to an asthmatic inhaler.

▪ Notable Abilities | Since it's just as easy to explode multiple bubbles as just one Ki can make rapid burst as a surrounding attack or destroy surroundings. Discrete small bubbles with extremely high pressure can sneak around unnoticed and specifically damage targets. The density of the bubbles cause them to be very solid and can push things and people with solid force.

» B I O G R A P H Y ▼ «

▪ Personality ▪


[ Respectful ] [ Honest ] [ Observant ] [ Studious ] [ Gentle ] [ Passive ]
Ki is always respectful to others, thoughtful of his surroundings and typically quiet to sit back and observe. Once approached he is very social and up front, honest to everyone he meets and very straight forward about who he is and what he thinks. He tends to not lie about his personality and his living conditions but always tries to keep a neutral or positive disposition about it. Ki doesn't start arguments and tries to walk away from conflict if at all possible.

[ Lethargic ] [ Apathetic ] [ Blunt ] [ Short Tempered ] [ Vulgar ] [ Conservative ]
Ki, dispute being respectful, is very uncaring in general. He doesn't have a lot of manners and tends to generally do what he wants to do whenever he wants to do it. Public indecency means nothing to him. He doesn't care about people he doesn't know and if personally attacked he will respond. Other than that he can be pretty withdrawn, feeling detached from most others.

▪ History ▪

    Born into poverty Ki's father had a quirk for asphyxiation and his mother had a quirk that causes muscle contractions from her kisses. The both of them worked in an adult quirk industry. They never had legitimate jobs outside of their night life and never married, they didn't even love each other. After a couple of their interactions accidents happened and they decided to move in together. Their plan was simple, they both had ideal quirks and throughout their life they didn't get too much income so having this kid with a better quirk would bring in a third paycheck, making their lives easier. Thus, Ki was born, a small premature child that quickly became more of a handful than the new parents could handle.       They didn't know how to or care about raising the kid but they tried so that they could have a useful son, until the time came where his quirk revealed itself, tiny bubbles sprung up around the home, easily poppable and varying in size. Ki was entertained with the skill but his parents were far from pleased. They saw his bubbles and considered him useless, never again putting much effort into him other than giving him the responsibility of keeping the home in order. Not like they were around much at all, they never stayed around the home and didn't care that Ki was around when they argued or brought others into the house. They both managed their money poorly and ended up taking out multiple title loans and quick cash to get what they wanted. In return, as the debts piled up it was harder to pay bills. Young Ki turned from being a child to being held accountable to how money was spent around the house. He began grocery shopping and making sure the bills were paid since his parents were gone, he was always blamed when the collectors came around.
    Ki grew up with the burden of trying to keep his family together and throughout school he tried multiple jobs to try to stay afloat. He tried to follow in his parent's line of work, being a waiter at some shoddy place. Ki wasn't uncomfortable for what the restaurant really was for, it didn't bother him but Ki soon realized it wasn't for him when he had his first kiss there. Typically he used his bubbles for ambiance around the place to make it look nice but as he was kissed and kissed another female coworker he thought he heard fireworks go off in his head. When he opened his eyes it wasn't love he saw, the bubbles all exploded at once destroying the store to nearly rubble inside, causing some damages even. This only added to his financial burden as he himself took out his first loan to pay back the owner of the restaurant. Ki's parent's turned back to him, seeing at least one use of his quirk and pushing him to stop trying to work honest jobs and take up villainy to steal the money they need and Ki refused. As he looked up to the idol heroes in his society he saw how much they were paid for their work. It was the solution to their multi thousand dollar debt. If he could become a hero and work like that for at least five years he wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore.

» E X T R A ▼ «

▪ Likes

- Fishsticks (seafood)
- Cleaning (does it compulsively)
- Long skirts
- Piercings
- Cuopons

▪ Dislikes

- Most smart tech
- Having people pay for him
- Being cold
- Going to the doctor
- Pushy over helpful people

▪ Trivia

- Ki has an inhaler in his mask that helps him breathe when in need.
- He worked as a bartender since he was 18, he has enough fake ID's to make sure he can work where he can.
- He takes pride in his pierced face but wishes he could buy more colors
- Ki is very frugal, he doesn't like spending money on anything he doesn't need
- He is a compulsive cleaner, always wanting to keep his home clean as a mix between trying to make his parents happier and being disgusted with what they do. He feels disgusting by proxy and hates living in shambles but he isn't really a germaphobe, he just wants his trashy things to look better.