Ashley (Ashley Marie Dawn)



9 months, 10 days ago


Ashley is an average women who does simple illustrations and teaches kids how to draw at a local community center. 

Ashley is a 6’4 Canadian citizen who loves fantasy and illustrating. She teaches kids to draw basic art such as their favourite animals or maybe their families. She doesn’t do much realism but cartoons are what kids like anyways. She is easily recognizable and the kids describe her as the ‘hyena girl’ as her most distinctive feature is the dark patch surrounding her nose and mouth just like a hyenas snout. However she doesn’t mind the name, and is just simply happy about the fact the kids recognize her in the first place.
her day job however is simply working at a small video game store, who’s staff team is working on a game of their own. Ashley does the concept artworks for the characters of the little project, and when she’s actually working she is the face at the front desk. 

Ashleys Family and friends normally refer to her as ‘Ash’.

Basic Statistics / Easy Bio: 

- Female (She/Her/they/them)

- 20 years of age

- demisexual / Demiromantic 

- 6’4 

- Canadian Origin

- VoiceClaim: ????Â