

10 months, 19 days ago



"The only guarantee in life is death, but the only thing worse than death itself, is being forgotten."
―Trent Thomas

The husk of a girl... something is missing. The only noise you hear from it is a shallow breathing.
Fate rests in her hands, taking the form of a Magic 8 Ball. What will it decide for you?


Full Name: N/A

Nickname(s): Sine, 8 Baller, husk girl, ghost girl, kid

Gender & Pronouns: Demigirl, She/They/It

Age: Unknown; minor

Race/Species: N/A. It is neither body, mind, memory, nor soul. It is what is left behind, what is there when there is nothing.

Theme Songs: The Ballad of Jane Doe, Cold Island, Who Is She?Dance of the Corpses


DescriptionIt is hard to tell if they feel any emotion at all. It acts in such a way that their seems to be no drive at all, and does not speak. Now and again hints of wants or needs bubble up, but they are few and far between. Mostly, she simply acts to preserve her own being.

Likes: Following people, Magic 8 Ball, light, clouds, the sky

Dislikes: Being grabbed/held, loud/crowded spaces, water 


Description: The little girl is a pale coon tone, and not very tall. Her head is perhaps the most peculiar part about its physical form. Instead of a face, it in composed of a deep void. A void of light or matter. If one was to pass their hand through it, they would feel a cold emptyness. The hair atop of her head, or perhaps where her head should be, is a very light blue/ grey color. In her hair little black weeds grow, sprouting upwards. 


 Works within the bonds of quantum rules. If veiwed, either in person or an image of, it will not change. Otherwise, she is not affected by the laws of reality. 

 Can grab souls and pull them out of people. 

 If you try to read/enter/change her mind, it will look and sound like static. 


Belongings of Note: She keeps with her a Magic 8 Ball, a lantern, and usually has on a school uniform of some sort in various shades of grey and blue and flowers in their hair


 Resides within liminal spaces, though does not have a singular home 

 Can usually be founds wandering alone, following people from afar, or sitting in place for large periods of time 


Backstory: If there was one, then it is long gone.


Tick: A cowboy who she sees now and then. Or maybe he sees her. Or maybe they just happen to be in the same place.



 Its blood is a pitch black in color 

 If you listen, you can hear a quiet, static breathing come from them