


6 years, 18 days ago



 ✥      Personal Info     ✥    

Name:  Elias Makisig (former), Niko Sunico (current)
Nickname(s): Niknik
Age: -di niya maalala- (he forgot)
Birthdate: June 1 xxxx 
Sexuality: Non-binary (any pronouns)

Height: 5'5''
Features: Hazel brown eyes, dark red hair with maroon highlights.
Appearance: Niko wears a yellow sweater occasionally rolled up, denim jumper/suspenders and red converse shoes with yellow socks. He wears a handkerchief around his head as a bandana, wristbands, a dog tag, an earring on his right ear and yellow tinted sunnies.




              ✥      About Niko     ✥

Born out of love from a forbidden relationship between his parents, his mother (Rebecca) a mythical creature called a manananggal in the guise of a human, and his father (Vito) who is a simple farmer came Niko; the Makisig family's first and only son. They lived a simple life, tending to a farm in a province in their little nipa hut situated in a small town. 

Rumors eventually spread about the family being monsters, after a snoopy neighbor caught Rebecca's upper torso unattached to her lower half late one night as they curiously peeked through the family's nipa hut after hearing a commotion. 

In fear of being killed and cursed, their neighbors turned against them and had an uproar. Niko's mother was slain, and their home was burnt to ashes, destroying everything the family had. 

His father managed to escape with baby Niko, and continued to raise him until his death. Niko spent years wandering around causing mischief, until he was later on housed by a monastery, where he was kept under care by a priest named Pipo.

--- o ---
Unlike your typical depiction of Manananggals as told in folklore, Niko doesn't really prey on humans to thrive (out of disgust) but he tries to 'blend in' with society as much as possible and resist the urges. Bored of being alone and feeling burdened by his problems, he was later on convinced by Pipo to continue his studies in a school, and to allow him to make up for the youth he never got to experience properly. 

He only transforms during the night, his upper torso separating from his lower half and his wings sprouting from his back. Niko resists his urges by stocking up and consuming coffee candy and bitter gourd.

He became known for his good looks and flirtatious personality, often flocked by a crowd of admirers (which he enjoys). However beneath his usual cutesy and handsome facade lies a vulgar, sharp-tongued barumbado that also hates people. 



  • People
  • Coffee candy
  • Bitter gourd
  • His admirers
  • People
  • Salty Food
  • Garlic
  • Being called ugly
  • Gossip
  • Playing video games
  • Altar boy service
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Protecting the little town (esp. the church)
  • He claims he's good at cooking (he's not.)
  • He's very two-faced and plastic towards other people besides his friends, but he tries to be genuine at times or when he's in a good mood.