Anos Radnor



6 years, 2 days ago



Name Anos
Gender Male
Age 26
D.o.B. June 28th
Height 6"9`
Build Toned
Race Norse
Role Protagonist
Demeanor Compassionate


What's "Homiesexual?"

Anos is a curious, strong willed creature, only wanting to learn more about himself and the people around him. He has a fear of books due to the fact that he was attacked by a group of human teens using books as projectiles. Anos has no concept of sexuality, if he likes someone- it's not based on gender or species, which makes him very inclusive and welcome to all hugs! Anos isn’t fussy and likes any food, even foods that other people may not enjoy. When he is in his human form for work, women sometimes slide their number over to him, which confuses him every time and he simply shrugs it off. He likes to make others comfortable and joyful when they’re down and is extremely loving and playful towards partners! Anos grew up in Muspelheim, being trained as a high ranking warrior; able to wield the most heavy and devastating weaponry. Everytime he heard a sword connect forcefully with a shield, he would burst into a fit of rage unintentionally, this made him incredibly unpredictable and frightening to fight against, when he snaps out of that state, he is mellow and gentle. He only completed half of his training as he was exiled when he was forced to execute a village member stealing food to feed her family, which he refused. Once he was exiled he found refuge in earth and now resides there.


  • He takes pride in his appearance
  • Anos can shapeshift, but only into the species of whatever realm he is on
  • His head shape is based off of a Beetal goat, very pronounced curved snout.
  • His natural body temperature is very warm
  • He loves seaweed