


10 months, 14 days ago



Av. Height
5" - 6"
  • Males: Greens and yellows
  • Females: Blues and greys
Roughly 120 years
Sapient inhabitants of Galvsona
Their back legs freak me the F@$! out.
― Tinker


The Fulgurians, also known as Stormdwellers, have unique physical attributes that allow them to thrive in their stormy environment:

  • Their heads are elongated and narrow, with a slightly flattened skull and a pointed snout. They have large, round eyes, sharp teeth, and pointed ears.
  • Their blood is blue due to a unique iron-binding protein that allows them to transport oxygen more efficiently in low-oxygen environments.
  • Their diet is omnivorous, with a preference for meat during the winter months and a focus on foraging and hunting during the warmer months.
  • Physical adaptations: Thick fur/scales to protect against wind and rain, streamlined head shape for better maneuverability in stormy conditions, large and flexible ears for enhanced hearing and balance, and sharp claws and teeth for hunting and defense. They have two spider-like limbs that extend from their shoulders to grab and cling onto surfaces in strong winds.
  • They possess the ability to generate small bolts of lightning from their paws/appendages, which they use for various purposes, such as starting fires, signaling, or communicating with each other over short distances.
  • Despite their fearsome appearance, Fulgurians are skilled swimmers and have webbed toes or special scales that allow them to navigate through water with ease during heavy rainfall or floods.
  • They have a natural affinity for understanding and predicting weather patterns. Fulgurians can sense subtle changes in the atmosphere and can often tell when a storm is approaching long before other species can.


The Stormdwellers are known for their warm-hearted nature and strong sense of camaraderie:

  • They have a deep respect for the forces of nature and often engage in elaborate rituals to appease and honor the gods and goddesses of the storms.
  • Artistic expression is highly valued, and Fulgurians create intricate sculptures, paintings, and textiles using materials gathered from the natural environment.
  • Dancing is an integral part of Fulgurians' culture, with performances often mimicking the movements of storms, honoring the power and beauty of their environment.
  • The Fulgurians hold an annual event called the "Gathering of Thunderlights," where they celebrate the most remarkable storm of the year with music, dance, and colorful displays of lightning magic.
  • Elders are revered for their wisdom and experience, playing a crucial role in passing down traditions and knowledge to the younger generations.
  • They have a special bond with certain creatures of the stormy realm, including winged creatures that help them navigate the skies during intense weather conditions.
  • The vibrant colors of their fur or scales change with their emotions, similar to a mood ring. Bright and vivid colors indicate excitement or happiness, while darker shades may represent fear or agitation.


Fulgurians have a rich history and culture that revolves around their stormy environment:

  • Their architectural marvels are constructed to withstand powerful winds and heavy rains, using specially designed materials that blend with their natural surroundings.
  • They utilize a unique form of renewable energy, harnessing the power of lightning storms to generate electricity for their communities.
  • Fulgurians are skilled in crafting weatherproof tools and weapons, including wind-resistant bows and arrows, sturdy shields, and sharp-edged swords made from rare metals found in the heart of storms.
  • Their musical instruments, known as "Harmonyclaves," produce ethereal and melodic sounds, resonating with the natural world.
  • They have an ancient form of writing called "Stormscript," consisting of swirling and intricate symbols.
  • Communication using sky lanterns is common, fostering connections and cooperation across their realm.


The Fulgurians possess remarkable abilities that make them resilient in their stormy habitat:


  • Their Fulguromancy skills allow them to manipulate storms and lightning, harnessing their power for various purposes.
  • They have a mild understanding of Dunamancy, another form of magic that complements their Fulguromancy abilities.
  • Fulgurians are skilled hunters and foragers, utilizing their physical adaptations and lightning abilities to secure their survival.

Unique Abilities

  • Their spider-like limbs enable them to grab and cling onto surfaces in strong winds, aiding in hunting and surviving storms.
  • Fulgurians can generate small bolts of lightning from their paws/appendages, using it for various purposes, such as starting fires or communicating over short distances.
  • They have a natural affinity for understanding and predicting weather patterns, enabling them to sense storms before they arrive.