


9 months, 6 hours ago




  • Age
    38 Years
  • Gender Male
  • Height/Build 6'0"/skinny, hairy, balding
  • Orientation Straight
  • Storyline/Setting Modern Cleanrooms
  • Occupation Street Musician


Tarsi is a strange homeless denizen loosely associated with the punk club who has an impressive intuition for rhythm, groove, and percussion.


Tarsi is a strange man, yet his disposition is common like those among the denizens. He is silent for the most part, rarely speaking but when he does so, he verbalizes in strange, cryptic language with references that are entirely incomprehensible. He is polite and patient, again like other denizens. If he is in the room, he will rarely engage, resigning himself to specific corners of the room, or leaving if that's a possibility. He does not raise or lower his voice, maintaining it's monotone quality constantly. He seems to enjoy the company of others and those that might consider him a friend. No one is sure as his expression, body language, and contents of speech do not reveal anything resembling emotion for the most part. If something is funny, he will bear his teeth in an attempt to resemble a smile, albeit an unsettlingly unconvincing one. He blows air through his teeth when something funny is said. His nature entirely inverts when he is placed in front of a drumset or anything that can be struck to make a noise, really. He will begin to move his head at the rhythm which he strikes the empty bucket and he will throw his head back, mouth open. His movements on the drumset are some of the least robotic movements any of the group has seen. It's fluid and emotional, varying in intensity, frequency and phase. He can play for hours with seemingly unending stamina while still maintaining proper groove.


As his speech is strange and essentially opaque in meaning, no one can get him to talk about his history about his life. He was found to be 38 years old and not one second of his previous life before being found has been revealed. His personal struggles, triumphs, childhood and early adult life are all lost within the confines of the man's mind. His story begins when Alex finds him thumping on a can on a sidewalk in the shitty part of town. Alex offers him a place to stay and Tarsi gets up and follows silently. Now they're not sure what to do with him till a certain Chloe came along, wanting to learn how to drum...

Well. His story that can be known for sure starts with Alex and the rest. However, some of his mumblings hint at ..."whispering hands"? Or "unfamiliar faces". Something else about prayer as well. The group cannot for the life of them understand Tarsi's ramblings. Still, however, they do they're best to not upset or antagonize the man.


  • He plays with a spoon made from the bone and cartlidge of other tortured to death asylum victims. "They beat the rhythm with their bones." "Oh whispering hands... gently... led him away."
  • He spins his right drumstick while playing.
  • He also has non-verbal hums and grunts even when he's doing nothing.
  • Additionally, his eye twitches seem to move in a consistent pattern as well if focused on.


  • Not sure


  • Not sure


  • He nearly always has a blank expression, very similar to most denizens
  • He's got male pattern baldness.
  • His hair can be in a ponytail or just let down but mostly ponytail.
  • He dresses in short sleeves or tank tops and very baggy, long shorts.
  • He never wears shoes or socks.
  • Hairy.


"Even Flow" - Pearl Jam

"Spoonman" - Soundgarden

