


10 months, 22 days ago


Paragon was born into a realm where the divine mingled with mortals, his existence a testament to the union between gods and men. With deep umber skin and thick hair as dark as the midnight sky and a long, graceful monkey tail that trailed behind him, Paragon stood as a living embodiment of his celestial lineage. Yet, despite his divine heritage, his childhood was marred by neglect and solitude.

Growing up Paragon found himself longing for the warmth of love and acceptance that seemed forever out of reach. Left to navigate the complexities of the mortal world alone, he sought solace in the fleeting connections offered by dating and romance. With a heart yearning for connection and companionship, Paragon immersed himself in a whirlwind of relationships, seeking validation in the arms of lovers of all genders.

But beneath his charming exterior lay a deep-seated loneliness, a yearning for something more meaningful than the transient affections of fleeting companions. Paragon remained haunted by the echoes of his neglected childhood, searching for someone who could see past his divine facade and embrace the vulnerable soul beneath.

Deep down, Paragon harbored a simple desire—to be wanted, not for his celestial heritage or his charming persona, but for the flawed and fragile being that he truly was. As he wandered the mortal realm with his monkey tail swaying in the breeze, Paragon searched for the one who could offer him the love and acceptance he craved, knowing that true fulfillment could only be found in the embrace of a kindred spirit who saw him for who he truly was—a lonely scion in search of belonging.

And a really bangin' body.