
Name: Trammel

Pronouns: She / He

Race: Tiefling

Class: Cleric (Twilight Domain)

Age: 27 years

Physical Description: 5'7", swimmer's build, adorned with spines the same color and material as her horns. She has curly black hair she usually pins up out of her face, and skin patched white and dark reddish-orange. His eyes are bright blue and he has an unassuming face.

A quiet fisherman who minds his own business, when he can. An ordinary fishing trip gone terribly wrong has landed her in the company of a notorious pirate captain, a zealous member of the Drakeguard, and a mysterious bard radiating a monstrous, necrotic sort of magic. He isn't quite happy with the turn of events his life has taken lately, but he's doing the best with what he's got. There are things she still wants to learn, after all.