
8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Not super young, not super old

Dream CV

Mizusawa Kei


Devora (Envy type)



Uptight, stoic, meticulous and prideful, you probably would assume she wasn't a devora of envy until you dig deeper. Underneath her mask of indifference, she's introspective and is keenly aware of her own faults, so although she's usually blunt and says what she thinks, there's a part of her that's constantly comparing herself to others who possesses what she feels she lacks. Sometimes she even envies other people for having certain traits she seems to find deplorable or begrudgingly admire traits she claims to find foolish, and because she's aware of her own hypocrisy, she feels a bit of loathing for herself even more. In that same regard, she dislikes that she finds the souls and sins of her type delicious because she can recognize some of their own traits in her. 

That said, she considers herself to be 'nice' for a devora, preferring to make deals for souls because she considers it a 'fair' give-and-take type of transaction (and okay when her 'clients' ask her to go kill someone she takes their soul too but she considers that her 'bonus/tip' if it happens), and is generally content with just being left to her own long as you don't purposely poke too hard at her inferiority complex or mess with her possessions. She's also a bit of a fan of the principle of an Eye for an Eye.