

Self insert go brrrr

WIP story so far;


- Not necessarily a race or anything

- Originally from Earth

- Maybe from past??

- Obsessed with memes, from early meme days to current

- Somehow finds meme shirts/jackets/etc. but no one knows how???

- She doesn't have a set design for clothes :(

- She's not really human, but can take the form of a nearly-human

- Oh, yeah, she's a shapeshifter. I can do what I want.

- She's immortal or something, but she's not from the ancient past. Only around 100-200 years

- Galaxy glow hair galaxy glow hair

- Not all her hair, though. Just the fringes and under. Stars in said galaxy sections are optional.

- She thinks it looks cool, so her humanoid forms (especially when she has ears or tail/s) will usually have the same galaxy patterns on the tips.

- It glows, but not, like,,,, super obviously? Think Seele and Serval

- She has a kind of side shave thing, with decent length hair on her right side. Her left isn't completely shaved  and long enough to show galaxy hair, lol.

- Her eyes are usually the following: vibrant blue sclera, (sometimes glowing) vibrant pink iris, black (usually splitted) pupils, and glowing white (or vvvv near white with pink tone)

- Otherwise, she'll usually have some form of vibrant or dark coloration in the vibrant pink-magenta to vibrant blue-dark blue irises with normal sclera and pupils

- Her hair, aside from the aforementioned galaxy sections, is black

- She's relatively pale by default

- Her teef are SHARP, with especially elongated canines. Somewhere between vampire, snake, and saber

- HOWEVER! EVERYTHING above is changeable! This is because she is a *total* shapeshifter, meaning she can change everything about her, ans into anything/one. Of course, she has to know it exists/see at least one image or something so she knows what it is. But once she's seen it, she can shift into- and change features (for example: she could see a dog, then change around features and traits such as size, shape, etc.)

- Her Path is changeable, but primarily Destruction or Hunt, because fuck you I can make a seemingly-OP self-insert if I want

- Idk what element yet

- Can shift into ANYTHING amd ANYONE so long as they're bio-something (I forgot the word, I'm tired)

- Basically, any *living thing*, meaning plants, mechanical, or inanimate things are impossible

- EVERYTHING else goes, even made-up creates, so long as it has lots of info on appearance and behavior

- But not with clothes because, again, only organic living things. Which can be awkward, because naked humanoids are unsettling


- Originally normal life, sorta. She just... Came to be one day. Probably will make her some form of experiment, idfk

- Space station with primarily humans and a few robots

- Space station was hijacked, 90% of people killed/deactivated, the rest were captured/enslaved

- Sold, essentially, in a black market as an oddity, with a collar eventually made to stop her from shapeshifting on her own

- Sold around on the planet of the creatures that attacked her home, before eventually being sold to some dude on another planet

- Since he knew it'd be suspicious to, y'know, have a humanoid as a "pet", he had her shifted into some creature or something

- Sometimes shown off how she can shapeshift, but careful to never have her shift into anything sentient-looking

- Eventually, alien died and she was left to some family member or something, who wanted to get rid of her

- Didn't know she was, y'know, sentient or anything, and didn't remove the collar because there were strict instructions to *never* remove it

- Anyways, she's shifted into a cute little fluffu weasel-dragon-cat thing about the size of a large parrot (able to sit on shoulders) to be sold as cute little species

- Whole spiel on how "rare unique, and the last of her kind"

- Enter: Trailblazers

- They just visited the planet for trading or something, and come across the relative trying to sell Solstice (who, btw, was named "Shifter")

- March absolutely fell IN LOVE with this CUTE LITTLE PET but Dan Heng was just like, "no"

- Stelle senses something different because MC Senses™

- They end up buying her, and are told the basics

- "She can shift, but you have to command it for the collar to allow it. Never take off the collar, she's wild and dangerous."

- So they don't.

- Sol ends up bonding with Stelle (though she's still close to March) because MC Vibes™

- Idk at some point something happens and the collar is either broken or taken off in am emergency

- This leads to her finally being able to shift on her own

- Surprise!

- Lots and lots of apologizing, especially from March, because they all genuinely thought she was just an animal

- Stelle is just like, "knew it"

- Now she tags along and helps fight, and just doing missions in general

- She usually is in some form of creature, usually the aforementioned weasel/cat/dragon thing

- Svarog is just ????????? when he first meets her because she's shifted. Clara just thinks she precious.