


10 months, 21 days ago


Serama Rooster (with some artistic liberties lol) cockatrice

nickname: sol

looks deadpan/apathetic, but has a very warm/gentle smile. a bit on the stoic/silent side, doesn't really talk much—but is actually a very good listener, remembers every offhanded comment that others make. feels emotions very deeply, but doesn't really show em. people don't tend to get close to him since his presence is a bit intimidating, meaning that not many people know that he's a huge softy.

really enjoys the small things in life. waking up early enough to see the sun rise, the first sip of fresh spring water on a hot day, and so on. 

one-track mind (or rather, he only has a single braincell). surprisingly a big cuddler? a good fighter, relys on brute force/instinct more than anything else.

enemies to ??? relationship with crescent, sol wants get to know him better, since cres is one of the rare few who aren't afraid of him. foolishly thinks "i can fix him" - we'll see if that's true or not though, haha.