


9 months, 20 days ago


Itsuki Yamazaki
Voice claim
L (deathnote)

01 — Profile

Name Itsuki
Alias X
Age 27
pronouns He/Him
Height 6'1
Orientation straight
Race Human
Ethnicity Black British
Powers None

Designer Froglee
  • Background character

  • Itsuki is a hacker and tinkerer on a mission to bring justice to the goverment system

02 — Personality

He hasnt got much to say and prefers only talking to people he knows and only when he has to

He spends most of his free time tinkering with new inventions hes come up with

He is knoledgeable in all things tec and is a hacker, working undercover as a policeman

  • Peace and quiet

  • Inventing stuff

  • Justice

  • Guns

  • The police system

  • Not being able to protect his loved ones

  • Strangers

  • people entering his room without asking

03 — Backstory


Itsuki found himself as an orphan early on in life and bounced around orphanages. At the age of 8 he decided he was better off on his own, and escaped onto the streets. It was on the streets that he met Touma for the first time, alone and scared in a crowd of people. Itsuki hang out with him for days but couldnt properly communicate with him due to being deaf and unable to speak. Eventually Touma started following him around and the two became insperable ever since then.

Teenage years

After being adopted, he spent a lot of his time learning and inventing now he had access to more bits he needed. He studied hard in school and quickly went from never having been to school before, to top of his class.

Despite how antisocial he appears, he was quite popular, mostly because he would do other kids work in exchange for money.


As an adult, Itsuki decided that something needed to be done about the state of the world they lived in, and took matters into his own hands. He started using the skills he developed to hack and steal information. Eventually his search lead him to the police department, where he enrolled, secretly working against them and gaining their trust so he can rip the system apart from the inside. Unfortunatly, the path he walks isnt an easy one and wrong step could out himself, and his whole family in danger.

04 — Powers

  • No powers. Just very smart

05 — Relationships

Adopted brother

Itsuki cares deeply for Touma and is very protective of him. He would do anything for him, but wants to see Touma learn to stand on his own two feet as well. Touma is one of the few people who he talks openly and honestly with.

Adoptive mother

Itsuki was taken in by her when he needed her most. He loves her to death and would give her the whole world. She understands that his avoidance of social interactions doesnt mean he doesnt care, and loves him regardless.