
10 months, 27 days ago



Pronounced: Mad-ahm

Madame. Madame is a white, red and cyan based kitsune or nine-tailed fox demon who died in the late nineteenth-century. Up on Earth her main ‘Sins’ were that of Lust and Greed.

In life she was a regal yet caring woman of upper class named Dianne, born to inherit her father’s extremely successful fur company, something unusual for a woman of her time.  She grew up in a strict yet fight ridden household. One where her father shot and killed her own mother one night after wandering home far- far too drunk and rowdy. For a long stretch she also managed an infamous Bar and Brothel situated on London’s High-Street named ‘The White Fox’ where she on occasion would also work, drinking and performing acts of lust and gamble frequently. Willing to offer a job with decent pay to any woman in need, most saw her as a saint. Particularly the women of which she would croon over day in and day out.

Truth be told Dianne is and always was a Lesbian, although closeted in life her fascination with other woman never fails to proceed her- even in Hell of all places. Though she perhaps may have once had a girlfriend in life behind hushed lips and closed doors. In Hell she strives to result what she lost upon death, finding more satisfaction in tearing out the hearts of any demon that crosses her path and leaves a bad impression and trying to shelter female demons into a much more suitable line of work than one such as under Valentino.

Current Ranking: Ex-Overlord, Currently in ‘temporary retirement’.