


10 months, 20 days ago


The goddess of chaos 

Once formerly known as the goddess of tranquillity, now one of the seven rulers of the underworld. Daenta usually just floats around her makeshift home, looking for strange blobs to feast on. 

In her early years, before she got exiled, daenta was aligned to the wood elves, blessing them whenever she could with peaceful times. She was more of a minor god but that didn’t waver her happiness and loyalty 

One day however, the gods higher up in power got a prophecy about her. That she would turn on them and bring their utopia to ruins. Without a second thought, they exiled daenta from their ranks, refusing to give up their utopia. Daenta was angered, not by their determination to save their place, but because of the people who betrayed her. On that day, daenta’s peaceful energy changed, disoriented into a more dark magic. 

With this new dark magic, daenta went on to create masks that were powered by her dark magic. She used these masks to suck the souls out of mortals as she now had a hunger for souls rather than positive energy. This eventually caught the previous gods attention and this time, they banished her to the underworld where she’s unable to escape from unless the seal keeping her there is broken 

This is where Sheila comes into play with her mask. Since sheila is a mortal and outside the underworld, she can break the spell keeping daenta and other gods trapped in the underworld 

(Not so) fun facts about daenta!

Her hunger can almost never be satisfied, she’ll always hunger for souls

If she doesn’t eat enough, she’ll start going crazy

Daenta’s love is very yandere type and she’s very touch starved 


Daenta is in an unhealthy relationship with Sheila, seeing her more as a strong soul that she wants to eat

Daenta hates rila, finding her annoying 

Daenta sees crisp, shinza and illrus as tasty snacks