Cooper Cadaver



10 months, 29 days ago


Alert! yiup.png
Check their profile on my site

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Full name: Cooper Cadaver
Gender/Pronouns: Male // He/they
Orientation: Idk bi?
Age: Hundreds of years
Species: Demon wolf
Occupation: None
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Cooper is a sparkledog stuck in the web. They live in a corrupted webpage that's disconnected from everything, floating in the void without a host site, stuck between websites.
They can't leave and it's unlikely for anyone to ever find him, or even know he's out there.
Cooper spends his days trying to find an ending to his horrible fate, seeking ways to connect his webpage to the internet or to be found, destroyed or saved.
other activities he would do to keep himself entertained would be drawing or modifying his pages own code. building things out of tables and DIVs. along the years he's gotten pretty good at it.

personality wise; Cooper is a typical angsty emo oc a young teenager would have. he has been like this for a long time, because thats how his dear owner wrote him as.
he truly misses his former life and friends. he's slowly starting to forget how things used to be.
Cooper was a beloved creation stored on a small art and character sharing site. The site was flourishing, Cooper had a lot of friends and would frequently get amazing new upgrades to how he sees the world and how he looks. he was happy (albeit in an emo way).
unfortunately, after few years of this absolute utopia, things started going quiet. The higher beings that took care of him and his friends started going inactive, but atleast Cooper had all his friends.
it would only take about few additional years until everything went down, all cooper knew was gone.
His friends died a quick painless death but cooper's character page corrupted and he was left all alone. stuck and lonely. it's been such a long time.
68644470_PWPDtwXVil11UBx.png •WIP•
•He has made a mural drawn from memory of all his friends. he sleeps next to it at night.•
•The coding language they enjoy the most is javascript•
•He gets really paranoid sometimes, sings to himself to ease the fear.•
•Plush toys•
•Pop music•
•Normal people•
•Dry eyes•
•Having nothing to do•
Extrovert Introvert
Optimist Pessimist
Polite Rude
Imaginative Realistic
Clean Stinks
Strong Weak
Short Tall
Safe Dangerous
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Art by Mee :D
Art by versieh
A character that was won via a raffle .
A character who is themed around angst or edge; scene or emo characters, etc.
This character is missing information. (work in progress aka W.I.P)
Color: Black and red..
Food: Cookies
Activity: Coding
Movie genre: Drama, Romance
Music genre: Pop punk, Screamo.