♦️♠️♥️ cardio



1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info






female (?)


ageless (mentally 18)






you can try to offer (only trades > art)

cardio is very irresponsible, forgetful, lazy, cunning, cruel, deceptive, boastful, rude, hypocritical, selfish and envious. she is also a bully and a scammer so do not trust him or give her your things that you cherish!! he likes being in conflicts and fights and loves winning everywhere. but also dexterous, smart, fast and perhaps can love..

her hobby is making very simple food like toasts or fried eggs (very bad at cooking btw lol) and reading books

loves to visit fast food restaurants and eats in them every day

has no friends and trying to show that he is not upset about it and doesnt needs them. avoids interacting with people, only if there is a fight.

likes to joke about everything and laughs from it, even if the jokes are not usually funny. tries to not to laugh from other peoples jokes.

works at casino as a waitress. she doesnt have a lot of money so he forces her family to give him it. (does not cares about money too much tho, only if "emergency" (for cardio)). often takes a break from work (when she is not allowed to), constantly complains about how lazy he is, and interferes with others and trying to seem annoyed of anything. her coworkers hate him.

often late to work.

has "two faces" (idk how to call it lol) he uses that to ingratiate herself with a random person or person that she didnt liked and then talk about them behind their back and betray them. always trying to seem proud and is always cold and rude to people.

loves making problems for others. (sometimes on purpose and sometimes not)

he maybe stole stuff from people.. even steals the stuff that she doesnt need. never cleans her house.

likes gambling and random casinos (often loses high amounts of money because of that). also is very unlucky 😔😔

bullies, makes fun of people and praises himself too much to assert herself.

he sleeps for only 3 hours every day.

loves yelling at ppl, be loud and be in troubles to be noticed.

she sometimes puts a poison in peoples drinks so be careful 🤫🤫

hes almost always has that devious smile 😈😈


yeah she somehow sees with both eyes, even if the second eye doesnt has a pupil