pending for Cinryuu's Comments

Does anyone in here catch your eye? Zack is the only off limits :3

I like toothache but there's somewhat of a worth difference between them and sammy... would you consider a usd add-on?

Ah I’ve just seen in the comments that Samoyed is worth $95 not $130, toothache is worth $93 (I haven’t updated their worth log) so they’re pretty much the same in value ^^ toothache also has another chibi full by Ratshins pending <333

Heya, were you still interested? ^^ 🫶💕

so sorry for the late reply - I am trying to juggle a couple art offers in pms, and want to make sure I think it through before I decide for something. 

I will comment again once I do, thank you so much for your patience... 

It’s totally fine, don’t worry at all! Lmk what you decide! :3

hello! apologies, but I have decided for an art offer instead, as after thinking about it, I don't think I would give toothache a good use. I'd rather not have them end up gathering dust at my hands... but thank you so much for offering once again! hoping your day goes well, and good luck on future trading!

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WIIW is the only one that caught my eye, though I wouldn't trade sammy due to the difference in worth... but would you consider an art addon, perhaps? I really enjoy your art, specially the animated ones, but I understand if not! 

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of course! I totally understand, no worries :) I'll remind you sometime after, if you'd like!

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I was mainly thinking of trade+art, I'd have to think about a full art offer, since sammy was $95 and I have some extra art for her... (ignore the $130, I had some owed commissions, but got refunded for it).
and yes! I could do that :)

1 Replies