My Vampire Lore ☆



10 months, 5 days ago


Powers and Abilities:

  • Super senses
  • Super strength & speed
  • Super healing
  • Shapeshifting: can turn into a bat, hound and into mist
  • Hypnosis
  • Nocturnality
  • Healing spit (but the healed area will be really itchy after, like a mosquito bite)
  • Vampires carry the vampirism pathogen
  • Might be able to ride on moonbeams and stuff (maybe only vamps like Victoria can?)

Ways of Turning:

  • Drinking the blood of a vampire. Second most common way (Lenora)
  • Becoming weak and ill from being fed on for too long, dying, and then coming back. Most common way (Edwina, Rosalind)
  • Dying from an unfair death. The strong want to live brings them back. Uncommon. Theses kinds of vampires are usually especially volatile (ex: Victoria Lee) and maybe have some physiological differences?
  • Sometimes, their victims are more susceptible the vampirism pathogen and turn into a vampire even after being wrung dry of their blood. Super uncommon!!! The unfair death aspect also plays into this. This is how Anne and Irma were turned? ermmm alright.


  • Being out during the day weakens their abilities. And makes them eepy. It doesn't burn or kill them though!!!!! ok maybe burns them a lil
  • Garlic
  • Religious symbols?????????? idk idk
  • Silver
  • Wild rose (kibuvits vist??)


The blood of family and loved ones is very appetizing and hard to resist. The blood of strangers tastes like mud compared to the blood of your best friend, or mother, or father...

Many young vampires end up killing their families because they drain them dry. Not many of the family members have been turned. (There are exceptions, ofc)

They don't cast shadows. idk if they show up in reflections or not.

There's like suptypes or like a hierarchy or something. Depends on how they were turned? Like vampires like Victoria mnight consider themselves as True Vampires because they actually like died and stuff.