Ossobuco Omocide




Ossobuco Omocide


-Ossobuco Omocide-
Namesake Ossobuco (Veal dish)
Omocide (variant of omicida, Italian for homicidal)
Age 32
Nationality Italian
Occupation Le Nuvole Scure Assassin
Stand Linkin Park
Le Nuvole Scure
Subgroup: The Devil's Triangle

"How you feel about me doesn't matter. I'd suggest not perceiving me."
― Ossobuco to Cassata.

Ossobuco is a tertiary antagonist in Devil's Renaissance. He appears in the 'Linking Park' Arc and is one of the oldest members of Le Nuvole Scure. He is notorious for being cold hearted and has no positive close connections to anyone.
Ossobuco is an assassin for Le Nuvole and is apart of the subgroup 'The Devil's Triangle.' Along with Maxima and Major Tom.


Early Life

Ossobuco was born with Type 1 Osteogenesis Imperfecta and struggled most of his early life because of it. He was often pushed away from common activities because of his fragile body, when he did, he would break. Ossobuco faced the pain of breaking a bone time and again that he began to get used to it, an early foreshadowing of his overall numbness.
His care was extensive and expensive, so rather than having to pay for treatments he was kept inside. Eventually learning how to splint minor breaks.

Ossobuco would resent the world for a time, the hospitals,and resent even being born, especially after his development of ASPD.
Even with his detachment he couldn’t help but think he was born 'incomplete,' 'broken,' or was never meant to be alive with the mix of his physical weakness and emotional detachment. He soon accepted himself, existing out of spite, and made it his goal to 'survive.'

Le Nuvole Scure

At age 26 Ossobuco was picked up by Le Nuvole after not being able to land any other work. He was found by Fulmine, seen covered in bandages on the streets for days. His pay would be prosperous, as long as he did as he was told. For Ossobuco, whatever the task was, it didn't matter, as long as he could survive.
Not to be mistaken with blind obedience, Ossobuco was well aware of what he was doing, he just would never care. The perfect worker for such tasks he was expected to commit.
Being an early member of Le Nuvole, he was involved in the testing stages of the drug Gold Dust W. Tasked to test and report on the dosages and effects of the drug. However, these tests had to be done on live specimens, so Le Nuvole kidnapped “forgettable” children and teenagers to do these tests on.
Most did not have the heart to complete the task without some reluctance, but Ossobuco did as he was told, without a second thought. Test subjects still alive from that day remember his cold glare specifically, as well as a shakiness in his hands, that wasn’t fear, but weakness. Though so passive, Ossobuco is described as memorable, despite his wishes to not be perceived in any way.

When testing was thorough enough, members of Le Nuvole were ordered to take the same drug they had been working with. Ossobuco did so, though knowing its side effects, wondered if it would kill him. But the thought didn’t haunt him for long. With this, he awakened this stand Linking Park. With this ability, he was no longer burdened by his disease, not in a way that mattered at least. Using his previous knowledge in splinting, repositioning and healing broken bones were easy. The speed of ‘healing’ came with some pain, but he never flinched.

Because the testing stages of GDW were over, it was a new age for Le Nuvole, and they needed protection from anyone who threatened their plans. Ossobuco, with his newfound abilities, was hired as an assassin, becoming the first member of the subgroup ‘The Devil’s Triangle,' (Though not coined that yet.) Le Nuvole’s official assassination/silencing district.
Ossobuco is known for his intricate and silent kills. He is a professional, he has no reason to overdo or make a mess of his work. However, he needs to get decently close to his target to sink into the kill. Fusing the spinal cord of his target, ultimately causing loss of communication from the brain to the rest of the body, shutting it down.Primarily via compromising neurological supply to the respiratory muscles as well as innervation to the heart.

Ossobuco is eventually tasked to watch over his colleagues, Major Tom and Maxima, until further notice. Specifically making the observation that Major Tom should be wearing gloves to prevent burns. Not out of care, but out of professionalism, being that being injured affected his work.


Ossobuco is a biracial man with an average build, he appears shorter than avarage and has bowed legs.
He has light blue eyes with tinted blue scleras.
He is covered in scars from reconstruction surgeries from his past, notably seen on his lower arms, lower legs, and the left side of his face. Smaller scars are seen inbetween his fingers, and underneath his knees.
He wears his hair in messy thick locs that cover most of the left side of his face. The back is tied more to the left. The right side of his head is shaved while the left is not.

Ossobuco's clothes consist of a white shirt with attached black lapels connected with buttons, and red sleeves. The sleeves cut at the elbow and have a DNA strand embroidered pattern that loops about three times. A large necklace that have four semi-circle pendants attached vertically, knee-length shorts with belts that wrap around each leg, attached by buttons, thumbless gloveswith a skeletal motif, and zip up sneakers.

He also wears beaded earrings with a spiked end.


*pulls at my collar* yikey
ill fill this out better eventually but im sure youve already gathered. He's emotionally distant, cares little for most things, and only does what he needs to do to survive. He has, SOME breaks in this with needing to satisfy urgues, but outside of that he has little thought of anything, anyone, or himself. He does not regret anything hes done, but hes not proud of it either. He shows this little care in some sources where he brushes off his actions and tells the other party that theyre wasting their time thinking about it, especially with him, who will not even justify his actions. he just doesnt care.


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  • Mauris mollis laoreet euismod. Fusce vel tempus nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus bibendum lorem vitae felis venenatis, vel euismod purus mollis.
    • In a lectus eleifend nunc ornare ultricies nec eget enim. Maecenas suscipit velit volutpat eros congue laoreet.
    • Nam aliquam leo et risus laoreet, eget pharetra arcu tempor. Integer lacinia sed dolor id semper.
      • Mauris laoreet quam et tellus commodo, at interdum nisi varius. Nullam ut quam at nunc efficitur suscipit ut id massa. Aenean felis mi, gravida non vulputate vitae, ultricies nec ligula.


Name Here:

Main article: Name Here

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!

Name Here:

Main article: Name Here

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!

Name Here:

Main article: Name Here

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!


Part they featured in;

  • Part 3:Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco. Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco. Aborro te ut. Angelum omnium obsequendum. Domine expuet. Domine expuet. Deum adempiremus veritas
  • Part 4:Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco. Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco. Aborro te ut. Angelum omnium obsequendum. Domine expuet. Domine expuet. Deum adempiremus veritas
  • Part 5: Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco. Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco. Aborro te ut. Angelum omnium obsequendum. Domine expuet. Domine expuet. Deum adempiremus veritas
  • Part 6: Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco. Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco. Aborro te ut. Angelum omnium obsequendum. Domine expuet. Domine expuet. Deum adempiremus veritas
  • Part 7: Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco. Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco. Aborro te ut. Angelum omnium obsequendum. Domine expuet. Domine expuet. Deum adempiremus veritas


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Profile by Erandia
Edited By KC_the_smelly