Em Hyde Batman Beyond



10 months, 25 days ago


Name:   Em Hyde Age:   22 Height:    5′6′’  Alias:    Spade
Occupation:    Vigilantly / masked criminal    Has military training in self defense    Works for a large company under Lex Luthor and Derek Powers

Dating Ghoul 


  • May seem detached but is actually just independent and quiet. But there is an off chance she is being standoffish.
  • Somewhat afraid of affection but still craves it, she just doesn’t feel worth it.
  • Works alone most of the time, but works really well in a team if the members are able to stand on their own. 
  • Is a natural leader but doesn’t feel the need to be leader unless put into that position. 
  • Very theatrical when in costume. Especially when it is her more villainous alter ego, Spade.
  • She is extremely agile and quick, but she has balance issues (usually good at countering this by using her agility). 
  • The Joker toxin makes her act more like a killer and she plays cat and mouse with her “prey”.  She becomes intolerant to pain (doesn’t really feel it)  More likely to start playing music to intensify the theatrics of hunting someone down. She will sometimes also use the beat of the music as a time to strike.  Loses her moral code and is more willing to attack blindly. 
  • Originally join the Jokerz gang because it was a fun was to be part of a heist and be able to know what damages were done so she can pay for them.