
1 year, 1 month ago



Brown patchy tom with bright blue eyes, a white tailtip and scruff and a brown wing-like ridge along his back. Missing right eartip and covered in verious scars and scratches.

Your chosen one is gone, so now I'm the replacement? Bury your head in foxdung.

| nomenclature

prefix - Ridge; named for the ridge of fur on his back and shoulders.
suffix - flight; named for his speed and flighty nature, as well as the winglike marking on his back.

| age

-- 18

| birth season


| gender

Male | he/him

| orientation


| story

Ridge's Escape

| past loyalty

-- Thicketclan

| rank


| theme

Ghost Towns - Radical face


Ridge lives in the boxcar of a cargo train. He is well loved by the train crew as one of many stray mousers. He too, enjoys the attention but knows better then to get too close. Few cats know him truely, and fewer still know of his past as a clan cat. He lives with his mate, Kip and his friend Dawnlight. He loves teaching the young cats how to hunt and fight and often uses his clan-made skills. He enjoys his life.

The thundercar is my home Dawnpaw. I refuse to leave it.


Ridge is quiet. He often keeps to himself out of preference, but he is not antisocial. He is good at making friends of he puts in the effort and has a handful of cheery faces at each stop. He is laid back and slow to anger, but when somecat does upset him, he will hold a grudge for moons. He is crafty and has good problem solving skills. His speed and patience make him an excellent hunter of birds and mice. He can be sarcastic and freewheeling which puts some of the older cats off. He also has a tendency to avoid his problems and is always running from something.

  • Likes
    • The thunderyard
    • Mice
    • Socializing
    • Problem solving
  • Dislikes
    • Dogs
    • Abuse of power
    • The Clans and Starclan
    • Getting wet

















  • Father: Kestrelstar ✝
  • Mother: Quailsong/star
  • Sibling: Fawnpaw ✝
  • Mates: (×) Budbite, Kip
  • Kits: N/A


TL;DR Ridgekit is born to clan leader, Kestrelstar and clan deputy Quailsong. Quailsong rejects him from birth. The clan medicine cat receives a prophecy directed towards a member of Kestrelstars bloodline. Quailsong denies that it will be Ridgepaw. Ridgepaw falls in love with fellow apprentice, Budpaw, and they vow to become mates. Ridgepaw is shunned by his clan, which is made worse when his younger sibling, Fawnkit, is born. He decides to leave, asking Budbite to come with, who says no. Ridgeflight goes to the thunderyard. He shortens his name to Ridge. Moons later, he meets a lost apprentice named Dawnpaw. She is far from home and looking for a cat. He helps her get back. They are helped by a fellow thunderyard cat, Kip. He returns and is told he was the prophecy cat all along and Fawnpaw is dead. He is kept captive by the clan and finds out Kestrelstar was not his father but is rescued by Dawnpaw and Kip. He attacks Dawnpaw, Kip defends her, and the trio live on the train together. Dawnpaw changes her name to Dawnlight. [ Read more ]

{ Youth }

Ridgekit was born alone to Quailsong, who claimed his father was Kestrelstar. She was cold to him from birth and stayed in the nursery for as little time as she could. Ridgekit was nursed by another queen, who treated him well enough, but was always distant with him. He was raised alongside her kits and when he was old enough he was apprenticed to Stonewing, an older warrior. He was the youngest amongst the paw's and under the sharp words of Quailsong, who was a respected deputy, Ridgepaw was excluded. By all except Budpaw, who grew a liking to the lonesome apprentice. They remained very close and vowed one night to become mates when they were old enough. Ridgepaw never really got to know his mentor, as he died nearing the end of his apprenticeship and Ridgepaw was taken on by another warrior for the remainder of his apprenticeship.

{ Escape }

Despite his tragic youth, Ridgepaw was optimistic about life, and was desperate to prove himself to his clan. Near this time, a prophecy came to the medicine cat of the clan, that a great warrior would come of Kestrelstars family. The clan looked at Ridgepaw with abated breath, but Quailsong shrieked that it couldn't be Ridgepaw, and would fight with anyone who said otherwise. Despite this, he was named Ridgeflight by his father on a chilly leafbare morning, and he claimed his name with pride. Budbite was made a warrior the same day and his warm smiles kept his mother, and clanmates icy stares away. They grew even closer. Ridgeflight's world would be shattered by the birth of his younger sister, Fawnkit. He saw the love and care Quailsong put into her, and would become agitated if Ridgeflight came anywhere near the nursery. Something snapped within the young warrior. That could have been him. Quailsong, and the clan, loved her. Why not him? What had he ever done to them to deserve their disdain? He'd been to the outskirts of the thunderyard before, but never inside it. He knew there were other cats there, but he would carve out a place for himself. No cat would notice him missing, no cat except one. He begged Budbite to come with him, to leave the clan behind and join him. Budbite, who was a very respected and popular cat in the clan, could not leave his life behind. This broke Ridgeflight inside, and he spat insults at his love, before turning, tears in his eyes, and leaving for his new life.

{ Thunderyard life }

Ridgeflight scorned his clan given name, and became Ridge. He was afraid of the thundercars at first, but he soon came to love them. They could take him anywhere he wanted, and it was delightful to sleep under the stars again. He kept to himself and avoided the other yard cats, but their curiosity and his loneliness would eventually draw him to them. Pray was drawn in abundance due to the two-legs that resided within the thundercar. Ridge would run from them as best he could at first, but a yard cat would show him of the bowls of dry food they would occasionally leave out. He was happy to keep a full belly and taught many of the younger thunderyard cats to catch prey well. The thundercar would stop at many stops within a loop, and he helped many friends at each stop. He was the happiest he'd ever been and regretted having not left sooner, this was until he got a little too comfortable with the two-legs. One moment he was eating wet food left out for him, the next he found himself locked in a cage and in darkness. The bars kept him in, despite his attempts at freedom. He awoke in a bright white room in a place he'd never been before, with smells he'd never smelled. Before he knew it, he felt himself falling asleep, and he woke up back inside his cage. Eventually he was let out back to his thunderyard, feeling a little lighter than usual, but not much different. He continued life as normal, although much more cautious of two-legs.

{ Returning }

Along his travels, he came across a young cat being chased by dogs. The dogs had been a new addition to one of his stops and he'd done best to avoid them, however, this young cat was not nearly fast enough, and the dogs were gaining. He saved her by leading her to a higher up place and then onto the now moving train. He softly lectured her for straying too close to them, before realizing she was a clan cat and quieting down. She explained that she'd been sent looking for some cat, but didn't know much more than he was named Ridgeflight. Ridge kept his name quiet and explained that he'd not seen a clan-cat by that name, but ultimately decided to help her get home anyway. Along the way, they met up with a young friend of Ridge's, Kip. Kip was near the toms age, but his laid back nature made him seem moons older. The trio made several stops and Ridge would teach Dawnpaw about his life aboard the thundercars. She was amazed at all she saw, which charmed the two older cats. Finally, they made it to her home and she insisted they come with so that they may help her find the cat she was looking for. Ridge was very hesitant, but Kip insured that it would be fine, seeing as they were no threat to the clan. Ridge agreed cautiously, in the hopes no cat would recognize him. When they got near the camp, they were intercepted by a patrol, who seemed proud of Dawnpaw for bringing the cat they needed home. The three of them were very confused. They bring Ridge back to camp and Quailstar is overjoyed to see her son, which freaks Ridge out. She exclaims that Fawnpaw had died due to a sickness moons ago, and starclan confirmed that they had let their prophecy cat get away. When Ridge refused to stay, he was trapped in a prison den and could not leave. Budbite came to visit him, who begged him to accept what had been done to him for the good of the clan, and that he'd forgiven him. Ridge lunged at him through the bars and swore that his forgiveness meant nothing, and Budbite was exactly like them. Budbite left with his head held low. It comes to Ridge that Kestrelstar was not his father and Quailstar hated him because he was the product of an affair with an outside cat. Ridge feels a huge sense of betrayal, confirming that his childhood was never his fault. Kip manages to get a message across through Goldpaw that they will try and rescue him, during a meeting with the clan. He is brought out under the highrock to be seen by Quailstar and the whole clan and upon seeing an opening, he turns tail and runs. He meets up with Kip outside the camp walls, and they are chased through the woods, slowed by traps set by Dawnpaw. They make it to the train as it begins to chug away, and the pursuing cats can only watch as the thundercar leaves, their prophecy cat with it.

{ After }

Dawnpaw catches up with them and upon seeing her, Ridge pins her down and threatens to kill her, tears of betrayal in his eyes. He is stopped by Kip, who tells him that she had no idea, and she was the one who insisted that they help him escape. He spares her, and pads off to sob in a corner alone. Dawnpaw and Kip exchange concerned glances, but leave him be. Later that night, two starclan cats wake Ridge from his sleep, one being his late father Kestrelstar. He demands Ridge return, as he is needed. Ridge curses him out, telling him that he was never a part of his bloodline and should never have been a part of starclans messes. He tells him that starclan should have done something to aid him in his youth and offer some relief, but instead they only show up when he decides to make his own decisions away from the clan. He rejects them, and they leave. Ridge feels a quiet sense of power under his grief and as days pass, he returns to his old self, even apologizing to Dawnpaw, who has decided to stay. She asks if they can choose a name for her, as her clan name means nothing to her now. The pair of toms decide on the name Dawnlight, and she accepts. Kip and Ridge grow closer and eventually become mates. The trio travel along the tracks with the thundercar, careful to avoid the woods along the clan territories, as there are always angry eyes along the border.



negative opinion

Rudge does not look fondly back on his time within his clan and for good reason. No cat stepped into to stop the neglect and verbal abuse that was constantly hurled at a young cat, and for that Ridge will never forgive them.

Quailsong/star . [ Mother ] Quailsong failed him. She placed her grief over a poor choice onto a kitten and chose to take out her frustrations on him. Ridge will never understand it, nor will he ever forgive her for what she did to him.

Budbite . [ Ex-Mate ] Budbite chose his possition and status over his abused mate. Ridge would have loved him forever, and its a decision that Budbite has regretted since Ridge left. He has not taken another mate.

Kip . [ Mate ] Kip kept Ridge company after he struggled to figure his life out and was a grounding force for him. They make wonderful mates and Ridge is glad to have him.

Dawnlight . [ Friend ] Dawnlight gave him the motivation to face his demons and she did what Budbite could not, leave her life behind to join him on his adventures. For that he is grateful. Ridge loves her and is very happy she is with them.


  • Ridge has been through a TNR program and cannot have kittens. He is also microchipped. He aware that he cannot have kittens but is unaware of the microchip.
  • He is friendly toward people but prefers not to be touched or picked up due to the TNR adventure.
  • Ridge prefers wild caught prey over the dry food that the thunderyard leaves out for them.
  • Ridge holds little ill will for his late sister, but he will never forgive either if his parents.
  • Starclan does occasionally attempt to reach out, but he rejects them every time.
  • He is an amazing teacher and many young mousers around the thunderyards were trained by him.

code by Leporidactic