


10 months, 17 days ago















Ruthless holy pirate

  • Efficiency
  • Good Alcohol
  • Adventure
  • Adrenaline
  • Her boat
  • An obedient crew
  • Landfolk
  • Dry areas
  • Hot weather
  • Stillness
  • Rule lawyers
  • Short Mane [C]
  • No Tusks [R]
  • Watusi Horns [R]
  • Pastel Eyes [My]
  • Gills [P]
  • Barnacles [P]
  • Willow Tail [My]
  • Overgrown Mane [Mut]
  • Tidal Stripes [Mut]
  • She was honored with a blessing in the shape of gills, this makes her be able to breathe underwater.
  • Teaching her crew to swim is one of her favorite activities.
  • In contrary to common belief, Leucosia does have a soft side to her, one simply needs to earn it.
  • Her methods of getting rid of people are often compared to sirens and mermaids, she took this in pride and named her ship the Black Siren.
  • The red of her clothes is stain of bloody battles, after a while, she stopped caring to wash it properly, these are her "work clothes".
  • Many land and sea wolk have tried to wed her and tie her down to one place, which they failed. She has no interest in that sort of lifestyle.
  • Leucosia and her crew follow a strict moral code, they won't kill or pillage just because. They have decided to stray away from hurting the Kiotho, and sees them as alleys. When near those lands she trades with them.
  • Her way of life has given her the ability to be very open minded in many cases, because of this she is less likely to attack a minoan from another region unless prompted by a threat.

My rules my ship, break that and i throw you into the ocean.

Leucosia was born to sail the seas of the Isles. She refused to settle as a shield-maiden for some arrogant raider and his useless crew. Her vessel is unlike any other, and so is her attitude. She raids, she reaps, and she sows. Her strength has caught the attention of her god, who usually prefers his women to be homemakers. She refused to settle down as one of his many wives, and instead strives to take as much of the sea for her god as possible. That's a much better gift than marriage.

Nowadays she sails the seas seeking for adventure that is good enough for a good tale. With the aid of the young mage Serenitas, they have made themselves a name in the sea many are afraid of, her gills have allowed her to be a dangerous foe to face across, it only requires her to get the enemy on the water to deliver a swift death. Aside from her piracy, she is a woman that enjoys the world she was born in, sightseeing and wishing to explore every part of the oceans available. With her memory, Leucosia wishes to be one day a walking map of the world’s seas.