


8 years, 6 months ago


Came from a relatively rich family? Also has an.. interesting sense of what to wear. They're a loner. They're not necessarily shy; they just love solitude and staying as far away as possible from say, everyone. Appears grumpy most of the time. Short fuse, is known to be pretty drastic in their measures. They also can't take jokes - go on, I dare you. Tell them a pun. They'll threaten you with hanging you from a cliff or something; if you keep going, they might even do it. Or burn you alive, if they could. Maybe they can. Maybe the firey color of their soul allows them to do fire magic. (Note: not all rhotis can do elemental magic. or magic at all. don't mind me, this species is still a wip and i'm still figuring stuff out and throwing around concepts and it's also way past my bedtime)

Xell's roommate. Yep, that's how they met. And also how they were forced to get to know each other. And how they ended up becoming friends somehow.