
Still writing her bio! She's a professional zombie hunter/ scientist 

  Claudia is a scientist who specializes in contagious diseases. She graduated from Yale with a degree in biochemistry and went to medical school to become a surgeon, but quit soon after as she realized practicing medicine wasn't for her. She much preferred doing research and figuring out how to prevent illnesses rather than treating them. At the time of the outbreak she was in Africa doing research on other diseases, but was quickly recalled once the Government realized an epidemic had broken out within their own borders. While she normally worked at the CDC center in Atlanta, the center was compromised due to the outbreak and so she bounced around from facility to facility, eventually landing in Roswell, New Mexico, which had become the main research hub to beat the outbreak. There she performed many tests with other researchers to try and find a cure for the zombie virus. 

   Unlike most scientists, Claudia loves field research, risking life and limb to gather data from outside the safety of the city walls. She loves watching zombies in their natural environment, and has conjured several means to avoid detection when she's among them. Her methods aren't foolproof, however, and she gets into trouble often. Her superiors dislike this and try to keep her reigned in, but she continuously finds ways back out to gather data. While risky, her input has proven invaluable in the quest to find a cure, and so many of her colleagues support her endeavors despite the risk.