


10 months, 26 days ago


"Pikminidae hyphantes"

Silk Pikmin

This species, though only newly discovered, is quite the fascinating figure! Appearing to go great lengths to mimic the Clavo fictussphera, also known as the Arachnode,  Silk Pikmin play quite the dangerous game duking it out with the  inspiration for their looks in order to claim territory! Carrying an  impressive capability of freely climbing on otherwise inescapable webs  with the help of an extra set of arms, these Awrapnid imposters will  swiftly take the place of the currently-housed Arachnode for it's own  benefit.

When it does manage to find a suitable web, or otherwise home, another  interesting asset of this species makes itself known. As the name would  imply, these Pikmin can extrude and create sticky, web-like filaments  that can be woven and strung together to create vast networks of traps  that rival that of the Arachnode.

Whilst rather solitary creatures when it comes to helping others (and  rather laze about than fighting larger foes,) Silk Pikmin can use their  silk-spinning powers to pull objects from otherwise unreachable pits or  ledges! With enough thread gathered from these Pikmin, you can even make  climbable ropes! If threatened, a Silk Pikmin's most common tactic is  to lasso the opponent with thread and immobilize them by tying them to  objects, or making a sticky floor that can greatly slow a foe's speed!

- silk pikmin tend to be pretty lazy!  get yourself a good, sunny spot and a nice, cozy web hammock, and you're  pretty much set in life!

- eyes are slanted a little upwards, giving a sharper look.

- the "leaf/bulb/flower" is VERY stretchy!