


10 months, 19 days ago


Chumps will buy anything if you say it's from the humans. Convince them it will fix all of their problems, and you'll be rich.
  • Full Name Cullen Needlenose
  • Age 35
  • HatchdayJune 10th, 1894
  • Height4.8cm
  • GenderTrans Man
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • SpeciesMiinu (Asian Tiger Mosquito)
  • BirthplaceScuttlebug Bayou
  • HomeTreasure City
  • Languages Miinuvian
  • Playlist
    Albo (Father)
    Cicilia (Eldest Sister)

    Aegytha (Mother)
    Aeda (Older Sister)

Cullen is a mosquito Miinu who also works a sketchy traveling salesman.


Cullen is a short, lanky man with pale skin and black stripes on his body. He has pink eyes and a long nose that sticks out far past his face. He has greasy black hair that he keeps slicked back and in a ponytail. His canines are significantly longer than the rest of his fangs, which he uses for drinking blood. One eye is severely damaged from previous trauma, and is filled with yellow blood and scarred. 

He dresses in a yellow dress shirt with red suspenders and black trousers.  


Cullen comes off as charming to a suspicious degree. He's good at conning and manipulating people who don't know better, but to others he is clearly a shady and untrustworthy person. He is willing to scam people to make a quick buck; for example selling human blood as a cure-all miracle elixir, when in reality there's no valuable benefits to it. Cullen can be selfish and greedy, and often looks out for his own best interests first.

He often uses his money to fund a drug and alcohol addiction. He's often abusing substances to numb the feelings of shame and self hatred he experiences from his actions. This abuse also has a tendency to trigger his trauma and paranoia. When he's under the influence, he can be a cruel and violent person that acts out on his own delusions. 

Any good side he has is one he closes off to others, as he rarely trusts others to know his true self. Deep down he can be a funny and genuinely caring man, but it's a side of him he finds weak and vulnerable, and rejects at every opportunity.


Cullen was born the daughter of a wealthy mosquito family in the bayou, with two sisters. His family ran an orchid farm of a species that were particular about who pollinated them, thus were able to make a lot of money selling the rare nectar. He was often isolated due to his mother seeing her daughters as fragile, and wanted to preserve their beauty. Cullen, however was always the type to wander off and get in trouble, and didn't bother to hide his 'uncouth' nature and pretend to be more sophisticated than he was. He'd often sneak off with his father and watch him as his job as a merchant, being fascinated by the family business. This often meant seeing the abuse his kind took from other Miinu who had a distaste for mosquitoes every time he went out.

At a young age, he met Lampry, a young boy from the circus that came into town every year. Cullen would sneak off to watch their show and the two nymphs would become close friends and hang out every summer when the circus came into town. As they got older, their relationship blossomed into something romantic, as he felt Lampry was the only one who truly understood him, and never judged him for how he was born.

After the sudden death of his father, money became tight for the mosquitos, and their mother demanded her daughters find a husband to take care of them. Cullen decided to propose to Lampry. But Lampry was uneasy, and though he promised he'd give him an answer soon, the next day Lampry left without a word other than a simple apology letter.

After the break up, Cullen made himself comfortable with the fact he wouldn't find love and volunteered to take on the responsibility of taking care of the farm, having been the only one of the triplets to have learned how. This quickly became a thankless job, as his family thought it unsuited for a female mosquito to mange the farm, and during Cicilia's she accused him of caring for the farm more than the wedding, leading to fights. Eventually Cullen had enough of the abuse and decided to leave and never come back, changing his identity to that of a man's. He ended up feeling more comfortable in this identity as he made his way to Treasure City to start a new life for himself from scratch.

When he got there, he found it harder than he thought to make a living, and was subject to the same vitriol that he experienced at home. The final knife in the chest was seeing Lampry in town, seemingly starting a new life with another woman. This caused him to spiral into a depression, until he met Arressa, a beautiful wasp woman who nursed his feelings and offered him an opportunity of a lifetime to join her organization and make more money than he'd know what to do with.

He ended up joining the Mothia, and becoming a drug mule for his boss Tox. It was dirty work, but it did in fact make him a lot of money, which he'd spend on clubs, parties, and drugs. Him an Arressa would also start an intimate and passionate relationship. His wild life style over the years caused him to develop a dependency on the drugs, and when his cravings got stronger, he started taking money and product off the top of his sales without telling anyone. However, Arressa would betray him and snitch to the mob, her loyalty being for them and not the mosquito. 

When the mob found out about his crimes, they hunted him down and beat him within an inch of his life, including severely wounding his left eye. The only reason he lived is to due discovering his blood bending powers in an act of desperation. Narrowly escaping death, Cullen skipped town on the next train, vowing not to go back. Broke with no community and a crippling addict, he turned to scamming miinu in order to earn enough money to feed his habits. He was even able to use his embarrassing blood craving to sell human blood like snake oil to hapless customers. 


  • Fermented Nectar (Alcohol)
  • Shiny things.
  • The color red.


  • Leafy Greens
  • AB- Blood
  • Bureaucracy


  • Only biologically female mosquitos drink blood. One of Cullen's biggest insecurities is his craving for human blood, and it causes him to become dysphoric.
  • Cullen's magic lets him manipulate the blood inside someone's body, even allowing him to puppeteer them to some extent.
  • His left eye has a hyphema, the collection of blood inside the eye. Because miinu blood is made from hemolymph, it turns a mustard yellow color.
  • He's addicted shrooms and opium.