Stephan Murdock



8 years, 6 months ago


Full name of Character: Stephen Murdock

Nickname: Steve

Reason for nickname: Was unable to correctly pernounce the letter N, so as a young boy he would introduce himself as Steve.

Race: Human- white, Caucasian (Scottish, German, Irish, Polish, French, Latino, Spanish)

Occupation/class: Student

Social class: Middle class


Physical Appearance

Age: 10

How old they appear: 10

Eye Color: Hazel

Glasses or contacts? No

Hair color length and style: To back of neck, Spiked straight up

Weight and height: 71lbs; 4'4"

Skin tone and type (i.e., harry, slimy, scaly, oily, fair, burns easily): fair slight tan.

Shape of face: Inverted triangle

Distinguishing marks (dimples, moles, scars, birthmarks, etc.):  N/A

Predominant feature: Hair style and way of speech.

Is s/he healthy?  Yes

Do they look healthy? Why/why not?  Yes,



Favorite color: Maroon

Least favorite, why?  Hot pink

Music? Punk Rock

Least favorite music, why? Folk

Food: Mexican food. Least favorite is seafood

Literature: mystery and science fiction. Least favorite westerns

Mode of transport: Huffy bike

 Hobbies: biking, baseball, soccer, video games, eating

How do they spend a rainy day? Playing video games



Are they a daredevil or cautious? Daredevil

Do they act the same alone as when with someone? Acts the same no matter who he is with.

Habits: Eating when not hungry

Biggest Vulnerability: Being a loud mouth, but not speaking his mind when needed.



Hometstate: Utah

Religion: Christian Baptist            



Siblings: Has no siblings



Optimist or pessimist? Why? Optimist,

Introvert or extrovert? Why? Extrovert,

Mannerisms: Smiles quickly in greeting or nervousness


Interaction with other people

Friends: Fancy Pants

How do they view the Hero/Heroine: Odd, bit in an interesting way



Favorite clothing, why: shoes, likes his sneakers what can i say

Least favorite, why: Hats, messes up his hair

Jewelry: wrist bands