Finn (under work) (Rowan x Finn)



6 months, 27 days ago


Gender Female
Orientation Panromantic
Birthday April 8th
Star Sign Aries
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Birthday June 1st
Star Sign Gemini
Height Difference
7 inches

Age Difference
10 months 7 days

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car
Can't drive
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has more relationship experience
Has no relationship experience
How they met

They first met in middle school through a mutual friend, they sat at the same lunch table and shared a gym class together, they liked eachother almost immediantly after beginning to sit together, one of the major events that led to them dating was being in the same friend group and hanging out on halloween, he gave her an expired piece of candy which made the both of them laugh and they talked a bit on the phone since that day and played games together before he had confessed to her on the phone.

Their Relationship

When they go on dates they usually go to dinner and get chicken nuggets, sushi, or just some good fries! Occasionally he surprises finn with chai teas or other drinks that finn likes, he generally just loves to spoil her, buying her sweets for her sweet tooth, drinks, plushies, clothes and other pjs! He loves buying her pink and white flowers on special occassions too. Hes extremely affectionate, to say hes obnoxious with his love is an understatement..

Seeing finn wear his clothing or using something that he bought for her makes him feel very happy! They adore going out into the park together, whether it be going for a walk in the woods, to the store, or theyre running around in the rain, they love being outside. finn always forgets her umbrella when it rains, when he remembers he holds it over them, but sometimes he forgets too and they run home together. they dance in the rain and listening to romantic music. they spend a lot of time sitting together in silence, its just the way they comfort eachother, when finns sad he just holds her and doesnt talk, hes a sensitive person, so when others are upset, he is too.

How Person A feels

Finn love him a lot, and she will dote on him and talk to all her friends about him, she loves his mole and his messy hair and fur. Shes always hopes that hell get into cooking so her love language, food and gift giving, can be fulfilled by him by cooking her her favorite treats. She gets annoyed very easily by him, because of how pushy he can be and the constant affection.

How Person B feels

He loves Finn a lot, and can be very overbearing with his feelngs, but nonetheless he tries his best to be sweet to her, despite her high expectations, he manages to keep her happy a lot of the time. He enjoys buying her gifts, but hes not rich, he just wishes he could buy her more. He thinks highly of her and really admires her art and how she talks to her friends so easily.


  • Their favorite places to go out to are cafes, getting boba, sushi, and fries.
  • They spend their free time going on walks, sitting around, and playing videogames or watching shows.
  • meow!
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.