Makino, Hanabi



10 months, 24 days ago


NAME Makino, Hanabi

NICKNAMES bibi, maki-chan, kokak, frog girl

AGE 16


BIRTHDAY February 7th (02/07)



VOICE CLAIM Natsumi Takamori

HEIGHT 5'11ft/180cm

WEIGHT 49 kg / 109 lbs

BUILD lithe, slim

RESIDENCE dormitory


STUDENT SINCE 1st Year, 1st Term



CLUBS/EXTRA drama, gardening, bugover

Took too long to get it.


A small being in a small home in a small village out in the big world is how Hanabi would describe her childhood. Despite being from a large family, Hanabi was actually on her own as soon as her parent’s deemed her old enough to fend for herself. She has four siblings all an entire generation older than her, with their own lives and families away from their childhood home, which was nestled snug in a shrine village in remote Hokkaido. At home, there is only Hanabi and her two retired parents. Being as old as they are, they gave Hanabi all the freedom in the world to save on their own energy.

Growing up, if there was no new game to play or book to read she’d venture out into the forests she lived near, gravitating immediately toward the sounds of life near the ponds. The trees, the frogs, and the water were her first friends. On one hand, she was easily entertained and low maintenance. On the other, she never took that formal step in communicating as society expects of one.

At school in her early years, she expressed herself with little words. Instead she opted for wide smiles and an innate inability to sit still. Her biggest misdemeanors were her attempts at escaping the classroom to be outside and bringing in the occasional critter. She got along well with other kids easily, even some of the other kids didn’t get along well with her, dubbing her the ‘weird’ girl often. She never minded them and would instead observe her classmates when she had nothing to add or was told to stay away.

In a shrine village, where the population was mostly elderly, small children, and the handful of dutiful shrine maidens and visitors, it was common for kids to go off to another school as they grew. It was no different for Hanabi, who, as soon as she reached high school age, was sent off to one of her elder siblings, a brother named Hanae. He would then enroll her into the STEM track at Hikarimachi High School to start anew with more people her age. Her cute but clutzy appearance made her approachable, but still branded a little ‘odd’. Sometimes she was too approachable in the way she’d accidentally joined a couple clubs before fully knowing, but doesn’t really mind. She has adjusted better now in her second year, as she continues to socialize and learn the ways of the Kyoto high school experience.


Independent, Outgoing, Friendly, Down-to-Earth, Blunt, Ditzy, Oblivious, Naive

Having spent much time on her own growing up suited her up for an independent outlook. She is capable of doing things herself by herself and never feels down about it. That doesn’t mean she’s closed off, however. Hanabi gravitates toward people when she sees them, oftentimes pulling others into her shenanigans, whether intentionally or not. She’s always down for the adventure whether it be out in the world or in the throes of friendship, which land her in plenty of meet-cute type situations (without the romance).

Her natural ditzy nature does make her forget some basic survival skills sometimes and may occasionally need checking on. Luckily, luck is Hanabi’s side, and somehow dodges most dangers of life, meaning although she may forget to eat, someone is always around to feed her. If someone may be trying to hurt her, someone always steps in. Whether good or bad, this thwarts her perception on life, becoming incredibly naive. To her, every day is a brand new bright day and isn’t afraid to tell others exactly what she thinks (if she thinks it in the first place). In her world, only happy accidents exist.


AESTHETIC Froggy, saturated


Design Notes
  • Long twin tails always held up by a large bow
  • always wears weather boots
  • eyecolor gold with purple
  • Frogs
  • Ponds
  • Cattails
  • Banana Milk
  • Fingers in your hair
  • Loud noises
  • eating the wrong mushroom
  • when no one is home
  • Writing
  • Dancing
  • Gaming
  • Writing fanfiction
  • Foraging
  • Making frog noises

Strength 9/20

Endurance 10/20

Intelligence 8/20

Agility 5/20

Perception 0/20

Luck 20/20

Charisma 13/20

  • Runs a very popular AO3 account, often taking life insp for her stories
  • Gives everyone a frog-ish nickname (whether they know of not)
  • Hanabi is always fed by someone, it always happens.
  • She carries an emotional support frog plush (for others’ sake)
  • She is actually quite intelligent, but has hard time applying herself when it comes down to academics on paper
  • People wonder how she survives when she..yk..forgets to survive (eat, sleep, pack necessities, etc.)
  • She kisses the frogs she meets
( relation )
coming soon!

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coming soon!

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( relation )
coming soon!