Faux Sapphire



5 years, 11 months ago


Acquired: $4 Resale

Created as part of the Morganites' experiments to see if they could create a sapphire with cheaper resources, (as Champagne's colony is constantly migrating, valuable resources and suitable kindergarten sites are scarce), Faux came out perfectly! ...Except for the fact that her predictions and future vision don't work AT ALL. She looks, sounds and acts like a sapphire, but proved completely useless to the colony, despite her best efforts to convince Champagne and the Morganites that she was indeed a true sapphire. Without anywhere else to go, she remained in the colony, fooling most of her peers. She's very petty and thinks far too highly of herself. She hosts parties as frequently as possible for her high-class peers, and impresses them with "fortune telling" party tricks. She's fooled most of the dimwitted higher-class but the middle-class and under all roll their eyes, seeing right through her schtick.

 Her personal guard is Fancy Jasper, who keeps separate from the high-class but stays her post by the door through all of Faux's parties. Faux secretly admires the high class, and sensing this, has become Faux's favorite guard and is spoiled more than the others, making her a further outcast from her co-workers.