


6 years, 17 days ago

Basic Info

Full name



Red hood


13 July






Gluttony demon


Assassin, knight captain


Unknown parent, unknown siblings


Black Comet


"Smoke 'em out, nah?"


Paimon is a gluttony demon and a former assassin now reassigned to be a knight captain. Paimon is the rival of Giovanni and former knight captain in charge of Wolfgang. He duel wields smoke magic and a bone dagger.

Paimon is an underweight teen with a visible stomach bulge caused by the gluttony golem living inside him. He is slightly taller than the average kid his age. Paimon's pupils are very small and red in colour. His skin is dark brown and his hair is light turquoise.  Paimon's horns are thick, spine like bones growing out of his head. In his elder years his hair has turned much lighter and he's grown a second pair of horns from his forehead. The white in his eyes have also turned black. As an assassin he wore a red, long cloth over his head as a hood that draped down his shoulder. He wore a red mask and assassin's skirt to match. After being reassigned to knight captain Paimon wears a similar cloth over his head, only it is now white. He wears a white mask and robes with golden markings. As a gluttony demon Paimon adores bone accessories and wears them with everything.


Normally Paimon is very calm and collected. He's very manipulative, loves to play around with people and stays cool under pressure. Though he does lose his composure at time, and the aftermath of him trying to collect himself often gets messy. He's usually unfazed by most things as he's lived a long life and experienced most of the weird stuff his world had to offer already. However Paimon is extremely competitive and will often agitate people into competing with him. He's a sore loser on all accords. He's an even worse winner. He enjoys taunting his opponents and doesn't use sarcasm sparingly. He's fully aware of the consequences of all of his actions, but he simply doesn't care for other people. An example of that would be when Paimon purposely tries to enrage wrath demons. Although when he does care for someone he won't admit to it. He's more likely to show affection through actions rather than words. Paimon hates bowing down to authority figures. He would rather be the one people have to bow down before. Despite that he has no interest in becoming king. He's very confident in his skills, often being a bit too cocky. He takes a lot of pride in his achievements and trains often so he won't get rusty. He loved being an assassin more than anything. Though he's unhappy with his current situation he doesn't complain.


Paimon was born prior to the war between demons and angels. He was born as the youngest of three siblings, though his older siblings died soon after he was born He lived in the slums of the capital of the gluttony kingdom during the first years of his life. He survived mainly by stealing and gobbling on corpses in the streets.  As the years passed Paimon had learned his way around the slums, raising in the ranks among the poor by assassinating and blackmailing his way to the top. He lived in the human world for a short period, quickly returning to Sheol as it was harder to satisfy his hunger in the human world. Though he had taken control of a large portion of the slums, he had grown bored of his lifestyle and joined the gluttony knight academy. Paimon passed the entrance exam with a flawless score, and quickly rose to be the top of his class after that. During one of the annual knight tournaments Paimon met various future knights that would become exceptional allies during the war, notably the wrath demon whom would become his rival. 

In his second year as a knight apprentice Paimon was recruited into king Beelzebub's special assassin division, undergoing even more intense training. After graduating he became a fully fledged assassin. By the time the war broke out Paimon was the captain of his own assassin squad. Paimon took great pride in participating in the war as he and his squad played an important role at the beginning of the war, gathering information of their new unknown enemies. Though their apprenticeship was long over, Paimon and Giovanni still carried on with their rivalry even during the war. Some years after the war ended Paimon was reassigned to be a regular knight captain, teaching at the knight academy instead. The decision was made due to his horns having grown too large for him to move around stealthily. He was not happy with this decision, though it gave him a new opportunity to compete with his rival, seeing as he could now train his apprentices to be better than Giovanni's.

Paimon never grew to like his role as a teacher, but despite that he ended up training many successful knights. Wolfgang, Maggot and Spine being among them. He's now one of the oldest gluttony demons alive next to king Beelzebub.

Other quotes

  • "I miss cuttin' some throats."
  • "Don't die on me, big guy. I'll be the one who kills you."
  • "Respect your elders."
  • "No hard feelings, nah?"
  • "I had an adoptive family too. Then I got hungry..."


  • The red cloth Paimon wears used to be his comfort blanket.
  • Paimon was born from a chain smoker, hence why he is attracted to smoke magic.
  • He has an overbite.
  • He admits to knowing he has siblings, but has no desire to meet them.