


10 months, 11 days ago


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adjective . adjective . adjective

Idros is a person who is bright but serious. He can be reliable at times and is known for his brutal honesty. However, he also has an urge to be dramatic and make impulsive decisions.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum condimentum metus eu eleifend. Vivamus eu eros a ex aliquam fermentum vitae sed elit. Sed vitae lorem mi. Sed pulvinar euismod nibh, a placerat ante venenatis egestas. Aliquam at ullamcorper in auctor.


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Write something about your character here, trivia, personality traits, skills. This box will scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum condimentum metus eu eleifend. Vivamus eu eros a ex aliquam fermentum vitae sed elit.

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He was a sleazy con artist, hawking supposedly "useful" goods out of his cart which were actually stalker devices designed to detect valuables worth stealing. This was how he made his living since he was homeless due to fleeing from his violent brother. Idros was desperate to get an apartment, so this was the only way he could think to earn money.

Living In Krinix

He accidentally fell into King Fekrus’ swamp, feeling confused with his obtained jewelry, But suddenly got mind controlled to “recruit” other angels and dissolving souls out of existence. He broke out of it by being thrown a mist bomb by an unknown person. Idros was not happy when he realizes he was in krinix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum condimentum metus eu eleifend. Vivamus eu eros a ex aliquam fermentum vitae sed elit. Sed vitae lorem mi. Sed pulvinar euismod nibh, a placerat ante venenatis egestas. Etiam in sodales massa.


Franco [ Strong Dislike ]

During his selling, he would see Franco from time to time, only for Franco to piss him off for funsies until he accidentally revealed he knows his brother. At Krinix, They were forced to stick together by the leaders, only to have beef with each other every time they have to deal with a problem

Character Name [ Relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in sodales massa, eget mollis lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et dui turpis. Integer at ante nibh. Aliquam at ullamcorper arcu. Suspendisse efficitur fringilla.

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