Delmar of Sehiril



6 years, 16 days ago


tell me what it's like to conquer; tell me what it's like to burn.


Full Name: delmar of sehiril
Called: del
Gender: nb man
Sexuality: bi
Species: heillige
Age: 32
Titles: conflagrator, high lord
Occupation: commander

current heillige of sehiril, and commander of much of the sancti land forces. voted most likely to inadvertently start a civil war.


Height: 7'0
Build: stocky and beefy, well muscled
Skin: warm brown
Hair: dark, curly, kept long and in fashion.
Eyes: dark gold, pupilless
Scars/Injuries: the skin on his hands and arms is darkened as if covered in soot
Apparel: normally shirtless or at least exposing his nipples, hammered gold neckpieces and chokers, satin or leather pants, sandals or shoeless. plenty of miscellaneous gold jewelry, often with topaz or yellow diamond inlays.
Details: has a line tattooed down the middle of his lower lip, pierced nipples, can appear to be sparking when really pissed.


Personality: hot-headed and emotionally volatile. rarely stops to think before acting or speaking, very impulsive and pleasure seeking. vain and obsessed with how he looks, concerned most with appearing intimidating but, like, sexy about it. aggressive and easily provoked, extremely competitive. regularly pushes his own limits too far.
Mannerisms: paces constantly, talks with his hands, bad at watching his volume. tends to forget himself and knock things over with his wings.
Ineptitudes: bad liar, misses subtle humor, selfish
Fears: obscurity, small spaces
Likes: punching stuff, sunsets from mountaintops, spiced rabbit jerky
Dislikes: soup gone cold, itchy bedding, molting time


Languages: common, celestial, taurii, understands draconic
Education: less tutoring than most heillige, more interested in battle
Etiquette: he knows his manners but rarely cares. hes special, after all
Hobbies: starting arguments, lingering in the fortress kitchens, training with his squad
Talents: can spark fire from himself as if made of flint, knife/axe throwing, zeroing in on one's insecurities while insulting them
Secrets: [redacted for plot]


Pets: a horse dubbed sunfire
Possessions of note: custom gilded greatsword, with a strip of steel inlaid down the middle.
Preferred god(s): sehiril, maerren
Allegiances: the sancti, the väktivari


delmar was quite the angry child, and spent much of his time alone outdoors. sehiril's gifts are difficult to master, and take more strength than most other heillige can muster. lucky enough to be raised by an older cardinal heillige, with another at his side, delmar came into his own by the time he reached maturity.

currently taking his inherited military position in stride, delmar spends most of his days with the sancti and his squad. known for brutal training and increasingly petty skirmishes, he isn't the best commander, but his underlings follow him blindly.

