Level's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

KyooTeaa Global Rules

Terms Of Service 
this tos only applies to designs I’ve created!

hello! This is just a small little terms of service that I will be putting on my designs for now, for my own piece of mind :) please, these few rules must be followed if you would like to own one of my designs!

- Designs of mine that are on toyhouse, are to remain on toyhouse (please click the “Toggle Spoiler” box below to read the fine details for this rule.)

you are free to sell and trade my designs as you wish, including off site, HOWEVER if they are sold offsite, you must transfer the character back to me and send me a link to the new owner. The character will be put into one of my folders for safekeeping, and I will contact the new owner to inform them as well. 

whenever a characters new or future owner has a toyhouse account, I will happily send a transfer to them with the character! 

**note: this rule also applies if you are leaving toyhouse and / or deleting your toyhouse account! Please please please just send me a simple message saying you’re leaving, and send me a transfer with the character for safekeeping! no question will be asked! If you’d still like to own the character that’s great! You’re also still welcome to sell and trade the character too! if you can you can always just message me on any other social media under the same username if you decide to come back and want your ocs page back, or even just to let me know you sold or traded it to someone! 

- you cannot sell my designs for more than the worth of what you obtained them for (please click the “Toggle Spoiler” box below to read the fine details for this rule.)

unless of course, art, or other paid content of the character is added. Art trades, and art that was used as a form of payment will count towards this as well, but gift art, requests and any other form of free content alone will not

it’s honestly just a little hurtful, and insulting especially if you get a character from me for ex) $5 then resell it for $30 with no added art or content :,) it’s happened before and it really bothers me-

- redesigns are 100% allowed! (please click the “Toggle Spoiler” box below to read the fine details for this rule.)

the only rules I have for this is that the original design may not be deleted from their page.

 if the redesign is quite different from the original, you’re totally allowed to sell it off again as a separate oc, but you must make a new toyhouse page for the old design, and credit me: KyooTeaa in the credits section. You then of course are allowed to remove the old design from the re-designs page!

you are then also free to remove me as the creator on the redesigns page as well. Although it’s not required, I would really appreciate if you could run the new design by me before splitting up and selling off the old one! This is just to make sure the characters are different enough.

- Designs of mine that have multiple forms or alternate colour palettes may not be separated into more than one character and sold.  (please click the “Toggle Spoiler” box below to read the fine details for this rule.)

Ex) a character has a human form and a wolf form: you can NOT split the character up into two and sell the human as one design and the wolf as another. of course while you own them you are allowed to treat them as 2 characters and do whatever you please with them, but when it comes to re-selling or re-trading the character, they must be put into one toyhouse character page And sold as one. there is no exceptions to this! 

As we come to the end of this short tos I expect these four simple rules to be followed! I also expect that anyone from here on out who purchases and / or obtains my designs will have read and follow these rules! (please click the “toggle spoiler“ box below to read this info message!)

Repeat offenders of breaking my tos will not be tolerated, and although I’ve never had to and I trust that I won’t ever need to, anyone who repeatedly breaks my tos will be unable to own any of my designs and may be blocked in the future.

thank you to anyone who has read through these rules, it’s very much appreciated and thank you so much for your interest in my designs! Depending on how well this goes, this tos may not be permanent, but as long as it stands it should be followed! <3