Caidi Leomys



11 months, 5 days ago


· Caidi Leomys | ♀ | Grass in the Wind ·

Caidi has never been a woman who would stand up for herself. Even as a young child, she had trouble speaking her mind. When she met Andvius, she fell in love with his carefree lifestyle and artistic mind. Their affair ended when Caidi's mother realized she was pregnant and planning to run away. For the first time, she stood firm that she wanted to keep the children, and her mother eventually relented.

Desperate to marry her off despite already having two children, they hired her a courtship tutor and got her children the best education they could afford, hoping to impress potential suitors. This paid off, and she ended up engage to Jorildyn Orimek, nephew of the governor and first son of the archmage. Caidi tried her best to seem excited, but in truth, her love of life died years ago; all she wants now is a quiet, peaceful life.

original design by drakeroot
code by zodia