Shizuku Nokota



6 years, 9 days ago


#15: Shizuku Nokota


Talent: SHSL ???
Gender: Cis girl, she/her
Orientation: Aro-ace
Age: 17 (Oct 12, Libra)

Shizuku is the older of two children to her parents, one a rich English businesswoman and the other a hardworking Japanese sailor. She grew up in Southern England with her little brother and her father, as her mother was often at work. She and her brother would often be on the sea with their father, who would tell them wild, winding stories that he'd often make up on the spot. Shizuku and her brother would often act these stories out later in the day, stories of heroes and adventurers, dragons and mermaids, petty siblings and reconciliations. When out with their father and alone together, they typically spoke Japanese; when their mother was home, or when they were out and about, they'd speak English. Their mother impressed on them the importance of speaking properly and would not reply to improper grammar in either language.

Shizuku did well enough in school, though she was never passionate about any particular subject. She was much more interested in the "real world," as she put it, convinced that she would never need maths or science. She enjoyed history, English, and Japanese lessons, though, as she had a passion for communicating--and saw them both as important to storytelling! She never had an interest in being an author, per se, but she had a love for making up stories and sharing them, often improvising them. As she was too nervous to put herself up against her father's experience ear, she only shared these thoughts with her younger brother, who would critique them harshly; still, he always confessed that he enjoyed her stories eventually.

In terms of appearance, Shizuku and her brother looked and dressed very similarly until she was about eleven, and he ten. This was the point when he came out as trans and cut his long, grey hair and stopped wearing the skirts he and Shizuku used to share. Shizuku was rather happy to get her brother's old clothes, at least. Shizuku's style also changed as she started adding more accessories to her looks, but discovered she was allergic to a wide number of metals and couldn't get piercings or wear jewelry. Her mother helped her develop a distinct style with cloth and and feathers, instead. She took to ties and stylish belts, and in her teens added scarves, shawls, and fabric bracelets. Her mother was very supportive of her developing individuality, and encouraged Shizuku to begin picking a career path as she developed her own likes and dislikes more clearly .

Overwhelmed by this new autonomy, Shizuku ended up spending more and more time in her brother's room, talking about issues at school; and out on the boat with her father, talking about nothing in particular. Her father told Shizuku she would have as many chances to change her career as she wanted, and that picking one wouldn't be the end of the world. She took these words to heart and told her mother she was open to the idea of following her into business.

Right before Shizuku began high school, her whole family moved back to Japan, as her father and mother working together had gotten a big business opportunity to open their own shipyard on the coast. She was nervous about the move, but very excited to live in a new environment.

...Her memory tapers off after that, but she has distinct memories of walking the halls of Hope's Peak Academy, and duller memories of interacting with Touma Sashi and Tarou Kuroda. 


Voice: Extremely prim and proper way of speaking; very precise and royalty-esque. When nervous, becomes strained and stuttery.
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 173 lbs
Hair Color: Light grey
Eye Color: Dark grey

Over All: Shizuku has a very striking figure and thick, curly pale hair that is topped with a large gray bow. Her skin is dotted with freckles and is incredibly pale as well. She wears a grey, thick, fluffy necklace with matching bracelets, a white dress shirt with a black tie, and a dark gray tulip skirt. She also wears black and white striped leggings and pink high heels. Her voice is very even and proper, but most always polite.


Likes: Traveling, her brother, make-up
Dislikes: Pants, spiders, being surprised
Most noticeable trait: Proper and respectable
Most noticeable physical feature: Large bow and wide eyes
Best quality: Naturally adept at compromise and calming others down.
Worst quality: Struggles to empathize effectively and can be inadvertently self-centered.