


9 months, 14 days ago


General species information

This is a closed species own by me, originally created by C-side

Memorglobes are cat-like creatures born from core memories. When a core memory is formed, anyway out in the world, a memorglobe can be born in their homeland. The memory they are born from can take a few different forms.

  • Objects - A non-living object that floats within the globe.
  • Vision - A photo/scene of the memory. Can be 3D or 2D. The vision does not move.
  • Plants - Living plants within the globe. They don't need upkeep and can change a little over time. (Ex: Growth of new flowers, flowers dying, leaves falling off and growing new ones, etc)
  • Living Animals - On rare occurrences, a living animal is within the globe. Much like the plants, they don't need any upkeep. They tend to move about and behave like any other animal. They are good friends with the memorglobe.
Sometimes there are two core memories that form into one memorglobe. Two core memories is one of the unknown mysteries of the species and will hopefully be figured out in the future...

Memorglobes are born without charms as charms are not actually apart of their body. Instead they are just things they like and place on their lids, and therefore they can switch them out for other charms. Their lids have magnetic properties within them to hold these charms and is what led to this common practice. They often use the charms to show off a bit of their personality, which can be completely different from the memory they were born from.

Some memorglobes have made the choose to always keep the same charms out for show, others have chosen to go out without any charms on. Some even put too much on that they end up falling off, oh no!

Often times long charms and big charms can't be worn because the magnets are not strong enough to manage things that heavy, but sometimes they have a more powerful magnet. Though wearing these uncommonly heavy charms can cause them a bit of trouble aha.